
2013-02-04 12:01 am



回答 (2)

2013-02-18 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think you need come back Hong Kong as soon as possible because if you come back too late and you will difficult to and job and communication with people. So, I think you come back 香港理工大學 or Hong Kong open University because these two place is more easy than other. Do you HK id or birth certificate? If you do not have, you need study HK 7 year to become citizen. For my experience, I went to Canada since 11 years old and now come back Hong Kong working have a little difficult too. That is my opinion about your question.

2013-02-18 04:09:17 補充:
理工大學 still easy because they was community college before so their standard is not really high only first year a little difficult after that still easy
2013-02-11 10:46 pm
到時不妨去睇一睇, 問下專家的意見
detial: www.a-performers.com/mba10

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