My girlfriend had a sexual dream about her driving instructor?

2013-02-03 3:52 am
He's much older than her she's 18 he's 60 something, she has had a crush on him which she told me and the crush was more than once I know gross, we have had a few big arguments over her crush and she still takes lessons with him... assures me she doesn't like him anymore yet she tells me she had a dream about him where she was passionately kissing him, cuddling him and what not, we had been fighting alot recently not over that just in general and nearly broke up, should I be worried about this at all? what does it mean?, i'm over the whole instructor thing now more or less it doesn't really bother me anymore well not enough to kick up a fuss about it like I use to anyway lol, just concerned as to what it means does she not want tobe with me?, does she really like him that much?, I dunno just trying to find an answer that's all oh and she has been taking lessons with him for about a year and a half if that's of any relevance.

回答 (6)

2013-02-03 6:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Too bad you've been fighting a lot. Sounds like troubled times. The instructor deal might just be a way to piss you off. Is she into that? Trying to piss you off just for kicks? Why would she even tell you about her so called crush? Most people would keep it to themselves.
2016-08-06 1:21 pm
The exceptional thing to do is to talk to her about this. She could also be asexual, she may have a low intercourse pressure, or she will have had a bad experience that makes it rough for her to be intimate. Anything her reply is, be supportive and hearken to her and appreciate her.
2013-02-03 5:50 pm
Perhaps it's subconsciously something to do with the gear stick.
2013-02-03 4:02 am
She is a ****. Gimme her number lol
2013-02-03 3:57 am
That's a dream. It's not reality. Although, to scare you I would say she might be having an affair with a 60+ guy.
參考: :(
2013-02-03 3:56 am
Is she studying to be a Nascar driver? Shes banging him dude!
參考: Common Cents

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