
2013-02-02 9:10 am
Use (Carrying......) to make a sentence

回答 (4)

2013-02-02 10:11 am
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Hi I am marcoleongk89
Today I am going to solve the question

1.Carrying On is the second album by country music duo Montgomery Gentry

2.The term carrying amount is often used in place of book value

3.SiuHong is carrying a bottle of juice
2013-02-02 6:53 pm
The followings are the sentences by using participle of "carrying":
1)He was carrying a box on his shoulder.他的肩上背着一隻箱子。
2)She was carrying the baby in her arms.她懷中抱着嬰兒
3)Did you notice how they were carrying on ? 你注意到他們的行為如何愚蠢嗎 ?
參考: According to The Advanced Learner Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation by Oxford University Press in 1975
2013-02-02 7:38 pm
1. Her whole morning was spent in fetching and carrying. 她整個上午都在做雜務.
2. Meg has been carrying a torch for Paul for almost two years. 梅格對保羅單戀已經將近兩年了.
3. The hotel cleaner entered carrying a bucket and a mop. 旅館清潔工拿著水桶和拖把進來.
4. He was carrying out the plan behind the curtain. 他在秘密地執行那項計畫.
5. A waitress came in, carrying tea on a tray. 一名女侍者走進來, 手端放著茶的託盤.
來自《簡明英漢詞典》6. The speaker came into the hall carrying a sheaf of notes. 演講者帶著一紮筆記走進大廳.
7. She was carrying her handbag under her armpit when I saw her. 我看到她時,她腋下夾著手提包.
8. At the meeting we decided against carrying out the plan. 在會上我們決定不執行這項計畫.
9. Last night a cargo ship collided with a tanker carrying crude oil. 昨晚一艘貨輪與一艘載著原油的油輪相撞.
10. He offered his seat to a woman carrying a bady. 他給一位抱孩子的婦女讓座.
2013-02-02 7:36 pm
1.Carrying the right facial expression can be very influential
2.Carrying the right facial expression can be very influential
3.Carrying the right facial expression can be very influential
4.Carrying the right facial expression can be very influential
5.Carrying the right facial expression can be very influential

2013-02-02 11:36:38 補充:
She was carrying a box on his shoulder

2013-02-02 11:37:01 補充:
She was carrying a box on her shoulder

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