what in my birth chart hows why i am over sensitive and have trust issues in intimate relationships?

2013-02-01 7:16 pm
ok so in my own personal relation ships im a very possessive and jealous guy but i dont really show it that much in public ....but my partner knows that i am i make it known ....and i just have trust issues especially with fire signs i have a hard time trusting fire signs ...


回答 (3)

2013-02-01 8:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Many time those with trust issues have strong Scorpio Energy and/or Pluto Energy but in hard aspect and I see that you have Mars (how we fight) and Pluto (how we use our power and control) in conjunction. Look at Mars and Pluto and you can see they are side by side. This gives you the desire to be in control in a relationship and also gives you a great mistrust of others.

So this is a life lesson for in in this lifetime. You are to learn how to choose your battles wisely (mars) and how to use your power fairly (pluto). This is a tough aspect to overcome but it can be done. It takes effort and hard work but by doing your best not to control others and not to fight unworthy battles is a big lesson for you. Not easy to do, but necessary to do in order to evolve and become a better person.

So you have got to learn to trust your mate. That is imperative. No interrogation when your mate returns to you after being out by herself that day (or night). Because trust is the foundation of a relationship and without trust you have nothing. And I know you want to have love in your life but controlling another will not help you in your quest for love.

You are fortunate that your Mars/Pluto isn't hard aspected by any other planets so this will make it easier for you to overcome this aspect. That is good news.

The other issue is that you have a T-Square in your chart which is the red triangle of your Sun, Moon, and Uranus/Neptune. This is a big life lesson because both your Sun AND Moon and in it. See the red triangle? Your Sun (nature) is the apex and squares both your Moon and your Uranus/Neptune conjunction. This isn't easy and here is why.

Our Sun is our nature and when hard aspected by square aspects this means there is a personal discontent in you regarding your nature and your emotions (moon). With your Moon in opposition to Uranus this probably gives you a possibility for violent outbursts when you are emotionally upset. So learning to think before you act is a great idea in order to overcome this tough opposition.

And with your Moon in opposition to Neptune you are often confused about exactly WHY you are upset and then you find yourself in an emotional situation that you don't even understand how the argument started! Such is the energy of Neptune and the Moon in opposition aspect, which is a relationship aspect so this creates problems with your mate.

So hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too. I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-02-01 8:49 pm
Watch the TDs fly after they read this. Gemini rises. I know one astrologer, and I'm not sure I find this compelling, that Gemini rising means lack of courage*. This could be a a self esteem issue. Mercury ruler of your ASC isn't badly placed in Libra, and he is the sect ruler of air in this chart. But Saturn, our fears, is overseeing the chart and accidentally strong but essentially weak. The bad stuff of Saturn gets a lot of play.

The Moon is the ruler of the second and in domicile on the cusp, very good as the 2nd house is the house of our self worth. In domicile with little help elsewhere, it indicates a strong independent streak. If you don't think you need anyone, or use that as an excuse to isolate yourself, this is a problem.

*General George S. Patton has Gemini rising, and he was no coward.
2016-03-12 5:12 am

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