Why do people become anorectic

2013-02-02 1:57 am
Why do people become anorectic?

Thnk you !!!

(use the English reply my question)

回答 (1)

2013-02-02 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q:Why do people become anorectic?

A:Anorexia is less about food than it is about control. Anorexics do not feel that they are in control of their lives - food is one thing they can control, and it gets out of hand.

I think that anorexia is all about how people choose to eat. I have experienced anorexia before and it is not a pleasant thing. It is so hard to not eat so whenever someone is eating then you feel like you have to go away or throw up. It is not about food but about your decision and your reasons for it. Never do it and never live like it because sometimes then you just wish you didnt before.

Anorexia is the result of various factors: societal pressures, low self-worth, body image issues, scape-goating amongst female peers, & media, to name a few.

It's a state of mind, in way- a fallback way of thinking. Anorexia never leaves you completely. Rather, eating disordered thinking often begets eating disordered behaviours for years and years of a person's life.

Both men and women are afflicted.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 13:33:44
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