Is this a typical gemini's behavior?

2013-02-01 5:48 am
I was dating this guy on and off since last year, he has been chasing me a lot, each time i try to break up with him he gets really clingy, I can admit that I found out that he was really manipulative and he was playing plenty of mind games, false promises etc... However, I didn't want to hurt him, thinking that he might really liked me.

I had a really bad relationship in the past and it took me a lot of guts to date someone again, I didn't like him at the beginning but once I started having feelings for him and started showing that I care he broke up with me over a text out of nowhere, and I was so disappointed.

Is this a typical gemini behavior ?
will he come back again just like he used to do before?

btw I'm a cancer
pisces in moon
aquarius ascendant

I don't quite remember his chart, but he has a lot of cancer influence in his chart.

回答 (5)

2013-02-01 6:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
You sound like me in my younger days (probably the Pisces in us) because here this guy is treating you like crap and you are asking what is wrong with HIM?

Your sweet Pisces Moon is in overdrive because look at the way he has treated you and you really don't want to HURT HIM? Manipulative, controlling, mind games, false promises and all? Pisces truly does want to save the entire planet one person at a time. But you need to "Save Yourself" first.

You are worthy and deserving of love. True Love. When your mate only wants what is best for you AND you only want what is best for your mate. True Love. Forget the rest.

Your Cancer Sun gives you a caring and nurturing nature. Sometimes Cancers can care too much for people that don't deserve Cancer's caring ways. And your PIsces Moon finds you loving people that don't deserve your compassionate emotional love. And this Gemini just doesn't deserve you.

He has too many strikes against him and you can't 'save' him. Save yourself. Only hang with people with are supportive and of have good character. Watch their behavior (like you've been doing) and make sure to steer clear of a guy that has poor character as they do not deserve to be with you.

Since you had a bad relationship in the past I think you are now 'seeing' relationships that are unhealthy as being 'normal' and that's not good. Find someone that lifts you up instead of 'pulls you down.' I know you want to 'be there for him' and try to 'help' him but right now you need more help than him.

So new rules. You must choose a mate that respects you and treats you properly. If a guy hurts you once he will hurt you again by the abusive names he calls you and/or the ghastly way he treats you. Keep watching a guy's behavior until you are SURE he is of good character because you are deserving of a loving mate and not a loser like this Gemini.

Gemini's have problems with mood changes, can be cheaters, and are serial flirts. At least until they grow up and it takes Gemini Males quite a while to really become an adult that makes rational adult decisions. This guy just isn't 'there' yet.

And if he 'likes' you I would not want to see how he treats a girl that he doesn't 'like.' He bores easily too and that is why he is running all over the place and doing whatever he wants while you are expected to stay home like a nun. That is a double standard and please don't 'stand' for that! You are so worthy but Pisces is the 'best' at choosing the worst guys out there. We just want to 'help' them and we should AVOID them.

I wish you the best and if he comes back please hide from him because he is nothing but trouble. Good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-02-01 6:49 am
forgive me for saying so but it could also be that he was tired of working hard over you Like at first he was pretty clingy and was desiring you but you took a lot of time to respond to him and was not into him before so by the time you developed feelings for him it could have happened so that he was so pissed off and bored that he decided to break up with you and gemini is a sign which lack stability and patience and being a masculine sign it is also very egoistic and self respecting.So your lack of interest in him earlier probably made him bitter and he must have thought that if it is so hard to make her to like me then it must be even more hard to maintain the relationship.Geminis are free spirited souls and he thought that the relationship will probably be a big burden and headache so he decided to finally give up on you and probably found a new girl which makes him happy.
Sometimes when a girl shows lack of interest in us for a long time we too get pissed of in the end and give up thinking the relationship might not work.this is coming from a sagittarius
參考: sag/ophiuchus
2016-10-15 11:14 am
Gemini Behavior
2013-02-01 6:26 am
Gems like mind games i know that. besides that, i think the rest is him
參考: i dated a gem for 2.5 years
2013-02-01 5:50 am
It isn't typical. Geminis usually have an explanation for everything and are usually very devoted in their relationships. So the fact that he randomly left is odd.

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