Is a well balanced natal chart good?

2013-02-01 4:25 am
Is it strong? Or neutral? What qualities come from a well balanced natal chart? My curiosities of astrology will never end. Ha :D

All answers are appreciated :) (re posted because it didn't show up before)

回答 (2)

2013-02-01 5:57 am
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It is good to hear that you plan on continuing to study astrology as curiosity is helpful with this lifetime study. Nobody knows everything!

I have often said that astrology is just one person's opinion and this is true still. What is well balanced to one person is 'not' well balanced to another. But generally here are some traits of a 'well balanced' natal chart.

The Four Elements are represented, Fire, Earth, Air, Water. This is rather important because one that has no Earth often has little common sense. One with no Water lacks emotion. One with no Fire can lack dynamic energy. One with no Air can lack intellectual intensity. These are very general ideas here though as each natal chart has its OWN unique energy.

A well balanced chart would would have planets occupying each quadrant of the chart (the four quadrants are Houses 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12) so there is a balanced energy in these quadrants. Some charts only have planets that occupy three houses. Just think, all the planets in House 4, 5, 6 for example. Not very well balanced! lol It actually just means that there will be intense activity in the Home (4th house), Romance and Children (5th house), and Work (6th house). Not so bad actually! Being curious is practically a necessity in order to learn astrology! You hit the nail on the head with that 'word.'

The Aspects in a well balanced chart would contain both hard and easy aspects. The hard aspects are things that we need to work on in this lifetime in order to evolve into a more loving person. The easy aspects are karmic rewards for something done especially well in a previous lifetime(s) to enjoy and/or make things 'flow' in this lifetime.

We love our easy aspects of the sextile and trine as these are the 'good' aspects. We earned that wonderful energy. We don't really enjoy the hard aspects because we actually have to 'work' in order to improve ourselves. We earned that 'not-so-good' energy too!

Sometimes people with lots of easy aspects (sextile and trine) don't really 'do' much in this lifetime because they are just 'going with the flow' and don't have to exert much work or struggle to get by in life. That's why it is good to have some hard aspects (conjunction, square, opposition) in order to be challenged and show some effort and responsibility in order to succeed. We tend to enjoy things that we have actually worked hard for in our life.

So I guess if you are seeking a well balanced chart you might follow these 'guidelines' but really some charts just make my jaw drop due to some awesome aspects (that can actually make formations like the Grand Trine, The Grand Square, The Kite Formation) that really 'feed' my curious nature.

And I've seen charts with up to seven planets in one sign of the zodiac. Maybe that wouldn't be well balanced but is does mean that they are here to work on 'perfecting' the positive traits of one of the signs of the zodiac. One of my friends had about six placements in Scorpio in the 1st House and she was a Sex Symbol. So not such a well-balanced natal chart but she sure knew how to drive the opposite sex (and the same sex too lol) 'crazy' due to the sensual energy of Scorpio.

So ones chart may appear well balanced but just ONE hard aspect can jolt the 'well-balanced' right 'out' out of there. And another chart may actually BE well balanced but the person might be boring and lacking 'spark.' We do the best we can with what we have 'earned' in life.

Hope this is helpful to you and good luck and bless you too. Stay 'curious' too!
參考: Amethyst33 Check that all three Modes are present too. Cardinal: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn Fixed: Taurus, Leo, Aquarius Mutable:Gemini, Virgo, Sag
2013-02-01 6:53 am
I wondered about this the other day. I am assuming you mean well balanced as in, a good presence of every sign, mode, element, and polarity in their chart.

My chart is extremely well balanced, and I noticed that with everyone else I know who has a well balanced chart... They learn best from within, through experience, because there is a bit of everything inside of them and they can be good at just about anything. Because they learn from within, this causes them to be extremely rebellious as adolescents because they don't like being told what to do and they like to learn from themselves and their own experiences. However, from all the highs and lows they experience and everything they learn in their adolescence, they will probably become some of the most responsible and wise adults because they have seen and experienced everything. This could lead to great success, if they don't mess things up too much in their early years :)
參考: Virgo sun, Gemini rising, Scorpio moon
2016-03-12 4:35 am
Your Natal Chart is meaningless nonsense.

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