Can anyone define these synastry aspects?

2013-01-31 10:45 pm
can anyone define these?

Saturn square Juno
Mars conjunction Juno
Juno square Moon
Juno Square Mars
Juno Opposition Jupiter

I'm not sure on the Asteroid "Juno"
But i heard it's a marriage planet and I'm not sure what it would mean when aspected to those specific planets
this is our bi-wheel
I had estimated his time of birth, He's a scoprio rising but the actual time is unknown
I estimated it with whatever i knew on ascendants in astrology:

How does our synastry look?

回答 (1)

2013-01-31 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Actually we can't estimate ones time of birth because particularly the Rising Sign and the Moon just won't be accurate. And I couldn't find Juno on your charts either.

But I did see some difficult aspects that might find him unable to understand you emotionally as his Saturn is in opposition with your Moon. Saturn 'restricts' and the Moon is our emotions and we need to be open with another in order to have a successful relationship. So this might find you feeling misunderstood by him and he would probably have trouble understand your emotions. So this would be frustrating for you in the long run and that isn't good.

Also his Chiron conjuncts your Moon so here we go again with him possibly 'hurting' your feelings too because Chiron is a wound that only gets worse the more that it is 'treated' so this wouldn't be good for you emotionally either in a relationship with this other person.

Juno is descriptive of the type of person we may marry but with these hard energies 'hitting' your Moon from his Saturn and Chiron leaves me feeling that he can't give you what you need emotionally in order to feel happy and 'whole' in this relationship. I just don't feel he would have the capacity to understand you on a deep level and that is really important in a relationship.

And since your Moon is in Leo you an emotional need to be understood and 'cared for' by your mate.
And his Aquarius Saturn (and Aquarius Sun too) aren't emotional due to the impersonal nature of Aquarius. I just don't think he can give you what you need in a relationship. But it never hurts to try because I have seen many so-called incompatible aspects in synastry charts and the couple have worked on overcoming those hard aspects and have evolved and overcome the tough aspects.

But I would be very watchful of how he treats you and if you are feeling misunderstood or there is a lack of compassion I think you should move on. When one door closes another door always opens.

Hope this is helpful to you and good luck and bless you too. I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33

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