How come Aquarius is a masculine sign?

2013-01-31 10:02 pm
I am an Aqua and I'm not masculine. I have very feminine features. I don't understand how Aquas are masculine. Are we affected by our other signs as well? I don't have a very boyish attitude. Could someone help me understand?

Thanks for answering :D

Aquarius Sun
Capricorn Moon
Virgo Rising

回答 (7)

2013-01-31 10:27 pm
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I too didn't understand why we have masculine/feminine signs of the zodiac. Other terms like yin/yang, positive/negative, try to convey that the masculine signs (fire and air signs) are more extroverted while the feminine signs (earth and water signs) are more introverted. This is how I think about these 'labels' anyway.

I am Aqua too and am not 'masculine' looking either and there is good reason for this. Actually our Rising Sign (also called Ascendant) is descriptive of our personality, our personal appearance, and our first impression that we make on others too.

So those with 'masculine' Rising Signs are generally more outgoing while those with 'feminine' Rising Signs are generally more introverted.

So, for example, if you have a Pisces Rising like myself, this gives me a personality that is often quiet when first meeting others BUT when they know me better they will 'meet' my outgoing Aquarius Nature. So I may appear quiet at first meeting but I am anything BUT quiet once you know me better.

So check out your Rising Sign and whether it is 'masculine' or 'feminine' ( I really dislike these particular terms as there are better options as listed above) and this will give you a better understanding of your personality and how you appear to others especially at first meeting.

If you have a fire/air Rising Sign, you are probably quite outgoing when meeting others. And if you have an earth/water Rising Sign, you are probably rather quiet when first meeting others. After the initial meeting one will find that you are more outgoing as your Aquarius Nature reveals itself.

Beginning with Aries (fire), the signs follow this order and end with Pisces (water). See how this order works as listed? Fire first, followed by Earth, followed by Air, followed by Water.

Fire- Aries
Earth- Taurus
Air- Gemini
Water- Cancer
Fire- Leo
Earth- Virgo
Air- Libra
Water- Scorpio
Fire- Sagittarius
Earth- Capricorn
Air- Aquarius
Water- Pisces

This is how I learned what element (fire, earth, air, water) that each sign belongs or 'has' on the Wheel of the Zodiac. Just by thinking Fire, Earth, Air, Water.

I hope this helps explain your question and good luck and bless you too. I wish you well.

EDIT: Missed your Cap Moon and Virgo Rising. You actually have an earth Rising so you too might be quite nervous or nervously 'talkative' when first meeting others. Then others grow to know your Aqua Nature. And THEN our Moon (our emotions) are revealed when we get emotional. Capricorn Moon is quite reserved emotionally and often dislikes showing affection but how your moon is aspected (conjunction, square, opposition) are the tough life lessons and the sextile and trine are the easy aspects which are karmic rewards for something done especially well in a previous lifetime. Bless you.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-01-31 10:39 pm
The feminine and masculine qualities of a sign is usually based of the element it has.For example Air and fire Masculine water and earth feminine.Each sign has a side of yin or yang depending on element
Fire/air yang Water/Earth Yin
2013-01-31 10:26 pm

earth and water feminine.

two of your most important three placements are feminine.

but you will grow more aquarius in time and understand that yourself unless your other placements also mostly feminine. then, your aqua sun will be dominated by yin and you will be very feminine.

masculine is overrated anyway. did you know that males use mostly one side of their brain but females use both? studies shows that males whom hammered (or whatever) on the right side of their brain lose their ability to talk while females whom received the same kind of damage has way better chance to keep their nagging feats forever (yeah, male here) ?

just a fun fact. and also shows how feminine more balanced. not saying balanced is better than explosive though.
2013-01-31 10:19 pm
i think it all depends on how you were raised and your rising and moon sign. I am an aquarius with pisces moon and rising sign. I am very masculine, I think like a man, I even love doing things that boys love to do like; bmx biking, working on cars, rock jumping, playing video games. I cant stand it when girls get girly and talk about how sad they are that their nails broke, but this could all be because i grew up working on cars with my dad out in the shed, didnt play with barbie dolls and didnt go to school til i was 12... I also think that if you love studying people, the way you act and let others see you as is another way of showing others what you want to see in them, as i think of myself as the greatest example of how to act normal, atleast i can say that; half the people in my town are crazy and dont know south from north.. but if your not a masculine aquarius, thats fine....
2013-01-31 10:16 pm
Im certain it's your moon. Cap moons are very feminine.
2016-03-12 4:18 am
THe most manly sign is aries exactly because they're immature... Think of a child who thinks is always right, a know nothing know it all. Aquarius for instance is really masculine when compared to other air signs because they're more experienced than them, They're the last air signs after all.
2013-01-31 11:50 pm

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