heres one for the zodiac savvy..?

2013-01-31 9:35 pm
can anyone please shed some light on this situation for me. ive been friends with a pisces man for 3 yrs or so (im aries) we have lots of chemistry and im wondering since we are both single... lol. i thought i might have pushed him away once too often (i was in a relationship for 2 yrs) but he has started showing an interest again how do i encourage him to persue me. i know nothing on the stars but i think im doing something wrong and i dont know what. do these guys court lots of women at once or take things very slow? he was born 19.3.77 nottinghamshire england dont know the time i was born 19.4.80 nottinghamshire 7 am x

回答 (1)

2013-01-31 11:00 pm
I tell you Pisces can be a difficult sign to 'predict' their actions because they are ruled by Neptune which gives them a changeable nature that can "switch horses mid-stream" so you never know what they are really thinking about OR where their next move is going to take them.

Compare this to your Aries Nature which is ruled by Mars which requires "action" as much as we require air to breathe. So you are more impatient than the often 'out there' nature of Pisces. It is Aries Life Lesson to fight only worthy battles (just wanted to throw that in) and I love that you aren't out and out 'chasing' him because that would probably just scare him away! So good for you controlling your Aries Nature in that you are 'thinking' before you 'act.'

Since he tried for quite a long time to be with you I feel that he still does want to be with you but might be afraid that you will reject him as you did for a couple of years. Pisces greatly dislikes being rejected as they are compassionate and gentle souls.

So generally Pisces do take things slowly but Pisces can also be 'swept off their feet' too and quickly get into a relationship too. Just the fact that he kept trying to court you when you were in the other relationship speaks volumes of his desire for you.

Pisces Males can be players but most often they do love 'being in love' so give him some time in order for him to see that you really ARE interested in him. And I think that you are going to have to make a move in order to have that first 'date.'

Do you know his hobbies or the music that he likes or the movies that he likes? If not, I would suggest one day casually bring up a song or movie that you like and get the ball rolling because it sounds like he DOES want to be with you but he isn't sure how you feel about him.

So find an activity to do together. Going to a flea market, a movie, or ask him to help you choose a present for your friend. Actually any activity will do as you have to let him know that you do want to spend time with him. I think you have done the wise thing by not chasing him because asking someone to 'help' you with something doesn't actually make it a 'date' but it does give you time to be together. I think after you jump that hurdle he will THEN know you are interested in him.

And the chemistry is there and that speaks volumes. So put on your thinking cap and think of something you can casually mention that you would like to do and then add "Hey would you like to go with me?" It will all be downhill from there. Simple.

Hope this is helpful to you and good luck and bless you and your Pisces Guy too. I wish you well..
參考: Amethyst33

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