
2013-02-01 5:09 am
想問eurobetsol cream同dermafulin cream呢兩隻藥膏邊一隻好D?藥力重D?傷皮膚D?
岩岩用完eurobetsol cream,去配,佢比左dermafulin cream我,話成份一樣但就多左D抗生素成份,我有D驚驚地,驚藥力唔知係米比eurobetsol cream重D,怕太傷皮膚。有冇人可以解答我呢兩隻藥??????

回答 (1)

2013-02-02 1:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Eurobetsol cream is stronger and can cause more damage. It is the highest class of topical steroid in term of strength.

Dermafulin cream is NOT a topical steroid product.

2013-02-02 04:06:51 補充:
Sorry - Google Search autocorrect mistake.

Dermafulin cream IS a topical steroid product.

Based on your information, both contains the same steroid - so the side effect supposes to be the same.

2013-02-02 04:11:31 補充:
If you are worry, stop using it and return to the doctor.

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