English help2

2013-02-01 4:21 am
1. Check your progress so far.

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. How many electrical ________ do you have in your kitchen?

equipment products machines appliances

2. What kind of ________ do you have at home - gas, electricity or oil?

heat heating warming warmth

3. Turn the lights off and save ________.

fuel energy power force

4. You should try and recycle your ________.

luggage baggage garage garbage

5. Put the dirty knives and forks in the ________.

dishwasher washing machine washbasin water heater

6. This fish is ________. Put it back in the oven.

overcooked overheated undercooked overpriced

7. I'm sorry I was late this morning. I ________.

overslept overspent overworked overused

8. You should adjust the temperature. An ________ will save money.

adjust adjusting adjustment reduction

9. Global warming could cause a ________ in sea levels.

raise raising rising rise

10. ________ the car less saves money.

Using To use Use The use of

11. ________ the water heater by pushing the button.

Lighten To light Lighting Light

12. It annoys me ________ so much rubbish in the streets.

seeing see to see that I see

13. I am pleased ________ how much money I have saved.

that for to by

14. The neighbours ________ me. They really bug me.

annoy interest amaze puzzle

15. When you do the washing-________, do you use hot water?

dishes machine dish up

回答 (4)

2013-02-01 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. machines
2. heating
3. energy
4. garbage
5. dishwasher
6. undercooked
7. overslept
8. adjustment
9. rising
10. Using
11. Lighten
12. to see
13. that
14. puzzle
15. dishes
參考: 我..希望幫到你=]
2013-02-03 7:59 pm
I agree with Jenkin's answers, but have the following suggestions::

9. Global warming could cause a [rise] in sea levels.

11. [Light] the water heater by pushing the button.

12. It annoys me [to see] so much rubbish in the streets.
2013-02-01 10:47 pm
1. How many electrical appliances do you have in your kitchen?


2. What kind of heating do you have at home - gas, electricity or oil?


3. Turn the lights off and save energy.

energy是指能源=用電power x 時間,除非你的仍是油燈才會save fuel(燃料)。

4. You should try and recycle your garbage.

luggage (英式英語) = baggage(美式英語) 都是旅行箱/行李garage = 車房/停車場

5. Put the dirty knives and forks in the dishwasher(洗碗碟機).

washing machine = 洗衣機washbasin 洗濯盤(像商場/工厰洗地拖的) water heater 熱水器

6. This fish is undercooked. Put it back in the oven.

7. I'm sorry I was late this morning. I overslept.

overspent overworked overused

8. You should adjust the temperature. An adjustment will save money. 這句不太明確,因為adjust是中性詞(調節),是沒有方向性的。Adjust temperature可以是因為熱而adjust降低溫度便不會save money.這句似乎有前文是太冷了,應該寫為You should raise the temperature. This adjustment will save money.

9. Global warming could cause a rising in sea levels.

raise / rise 有何分別?兩個字的中文解釋都是升起/上升?

10. Using the car less saves money.

11. Lighting the water heater by pushing the button. 這是一部氣體熱水爐…按掣點著火。

12. It annoys me seeing so much rubbish in the streets.

13. I am pleased by how much money I have saved. 由於見儲錢多而開心

14. The neighbours annoy me. They really bug me.

interest amaze puzzle

15. When you do the washing-up, do you use hot water? 查吓網上字典有沒有wash-up這個prepositional phrase? do the xxxx即是指由你親手做的程序。
2013-02-01 11:29 am
1. appliances
9. rise
11. Light
14. annoy
15. up

electric/electrical appliance = 電器用具
rise (noun) = movement upward
light = make something to burn
ighten = become less dark or less heavy
annoy = 騷擾
washing-up = the act of cleaning plates, knives, forks etc. after a meal

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