are C1=1 F; C2=2 F; C3=3 F; C4=4 F; and C5=5 F.
個圖係一個零形最上面係b,最下面係d, 右面係c, 左面係a., a 和b 之間有C1, b 和c 之間有c2, , c 和d 之間有C5, a和 d 之間係C4, 中間係c3, 而a 點有線連c 點。
a c
a) Calculate the equivalent capacitance Cab between points a and b, in F.
b) Calculate the equivalent capacitance Cac between points a and c, in F.
c) Calculate the equivalent capacitance Cad between points a and d, in F.
Hint: In each case, re-draw the network to show that it is equivalent to a particular series-parallel combination
of capacitors. The equivalent capacitances can then be calculated quite readily. (You'll notice I didn't ask you
to calculate the equivalent capacitance Cbd between points b and d. This is not equivalent to a series-parallel
combination, and is much harder to calculate.)
c3是 a 點連去C 點..
唔好意思. 我唔知 (C4 in series C5)//C3 = C',... 是什麼意思.