A few questions for Aquarians?

2013-01-31 12:03 am
1. Do you find that you shut down when others come at you with any angry or even aggressive emotions?
2. Do you respond better when people calmly argue with you?
3. Do you have many friends but no more than one is really close to you? You may let one in as a significant other but everyone else is kept at arms length.
4. Is it hard for you to let that one person in?
5. Are you secretly very emotional?
6. Do you not like to let others see this side of you?
7. If someone is bothering you in a negative way, do you lash out at them in some way to distance yourself from them?
8. in a relationship, do you find yourself at least initially wanting jump into it, then later on saying to yourself "what the hell am i doing?" and try to get out of it?

回答 (6)

2013-01-31 1:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Do you find that you shut down when others come at you with any angry or even aggressive emotions? Not really..i can handle them. (if im in down mood,then its different..im the one who becomes angry and aggressive lol)
2. Do you respond better when people calmly argue with you? Nope.
3. Do you have many friends but no more than one is really close to you? You may let one in as a significant other but everyone else is kept at arms length. Yes. everyone seems very unique in their own ways. i cant bias really.
4. Is it hard for you to let that one person in? who?..anyway depends on the nature of that person.
5. Are you secretly very emotional? ooh yess..and veryy sensitive..but i do express it ocassionally.
6. Do you not like to let others see this side of you? depends on the second person..there are people who can make my guard go up.
7. If someone is bothering you in a negative way, do you lash out at them in some way to distance yourself from them? maybe not.
8. in a relationship, do you find yourself at least initially wanting jump into it, then later on saying to yourself "what the hell am i doing?" and try to get out of it? umm kind of.(its different feeling though)

Aries moon

2013-01-31 12:11 am
1) If its toward me, no I lash back. If its toward someone else, I give my opinion and just like...listen
2)Yeah i do
3)I have 3 very close friends. The others are buds.
4)It is
5)I am. Very sensitive, but i hide it well
6)I don't
7)If there bugging me, I have no problem telling them. I'll leave if I can
8)If I don't wanna be in it, Im not gonna
參考: Aqua!!
2013-01-31 2:11 am
1....when someone gets angry at me, my anger instantly boils up and if they cross the line I WILL attack with all of my built up anger backed by quick wit.
2....yes....but I would love a reason to be angry ahahah
3....yep. I'm friends with literally every person I know, but I am stuck behind a kind of shell of extreme friendliness which is why my acquaintences think they know me and that I like them when really that's not true. Also Ifeel like it takes too much effort to tell more than 2 people exactly what's happening, so every person but one or two are left in the dust.
4.....extremely tough. Emotions scare me and I really just hate them. That's why my best friend and I message each other online so we can express ourselves without getting all embarrassed.
5.....yes indeed. I'm incredibly emotional. Like most aquarians Ican just set off into the woods and wander for hours, inspecting my surroundings, reading, listening to music, etc....but what nobody really knows is that while were out there lost in thought, we can be crying, shaking, screaming, and sobbing. We just don't reveal this to others because we believe it makes us look weak.
6....when people see me get emotional (ex when I cry) I run and hide my face. Crying is incredibly personal and emotional and when people see it I want to crawl into a hole.
7.....when someone bothers me I attempt to control myself. I don't like to start fights, so as an example today one of the people who thinks I'm best friends with them because I'm friendly was bothering me in the school library. I was online shopping for a new jacket, and my mom gave me a 150 dollar limit (pretty expensive I suppose) because she wanted something that would last a long time with good quality. So this girl sees me scrolling on, and she starts saying "I bet only billionaires buy those coats. They're so expensive. Who needs that? Some people are so fashion centered. Wow that's pricey." And I'm not exactly rich, I buy cheaper clothes that are good quality and fashionable, and this girl honestly looks like a mop, so she shouldn't be talking....I just grit my teeth and stopped replying to everything she said. I wanted to hit her because she started saying really stupid things. I wanted her to get the hint that silence = death.....lol.
8....no. I'm a venus in capricorn, so Ianalyze potential mates for literally months (body language, friends, intellect, trustworthiness) and I'm so cautious that I've never been in a relationship before. But yes, despite the fact that Ilike 2 guys and I've totally shredded them in inspection, I'm still really cautious...
參考: Aqua sun Aqua moo Venus in capricorn
2013-01-31 3:52 am
I am Aquarius too and as I read your question I was thinking Scorpio, Scorpio, Scorpio. Possibly a Moon/Pluto in hard aspect (conjunction, square, opposition).

But I am now thinking you are Aquarius with Pisces Dominant Energy. Aquarius is most often rather extroverted, friendly, and impersonal. Pisces is most often emotional, compassionate, and caring.

1. Pisces would shut down when blasted withsomeone's emotional anger because that is against everything that one with Positive Pisces Energy would probably do. Remember there are always two sides to each planet and how the planet is aspected will tell the story of how 'well' that Pisces Energy is working for them.

2. Pisces gets very 'out of sorts' when confronted with arguments so calm discussion is always best.But really we all do better when we discuss things calmly if at ALL possible.

3. Aquarius often have lots of friends because Aquarius rules groups and organizations that desire to better mankind as a whole. Scorpio is the toughest sign to make friends with due to their huge mistrust of others. (still looking for that Scorpio Energy)

4. Aquarius will let one person 'in' but they aren't very emotional as they are impersonal. Caring for others but not so much on a one-on-one way. Pisces is best at the one-on-one and all are invited.

5. Aquarius can be very emotional when there is Pisces Energy in the chart as Pisces is very emotional. Most Aquarius don't know that as we age we begin to add Pisces Traits into our nature which begins adding emotions into the Aquarius Nature. So Aquarius are going to be more emotional as they age and it isn't comfortable but eventually tolerable. Especially to those without Pisces Energy in the chart.

6. See #5 above and some are more comfortable than others (and again the answer could easily be Scorpio as they truly dislike allowing others to see their emotional side

7. Some Aquarius are like this but again, sounds more like Scorpio as they can 'lash out at someone' quite easily once the 'lashing' begins.

8. Yes Aquarius often does get into relationships and then find themselves desiring to be 'out' of that relationship. Due to the need for change that Aquarius so enjoys. (also sounds like Scorpio).

Hope this is helpful to you in understanding the Aquarius Nature and good luck and bless you too. I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33 Aquarius Sun Pisces Dominant
2013-02-02 2:20 am
1.) I try to preserve the peace and avoid any drama hoping it'll pass, but if they provoke me too bad I'm gonna lash out at them back ten times harder. I'm not a door mat.

2.) I'd rather calmly do it and avoid all the heat, but if they're wanting to fight with me don't expect for me to give in unless I think they are right. I'm very stubborn. It all really depends exactly what they have to say to me in how I respond back. If I'm arguing, I have a set opinion about what I'm arguing about to begin with, and if I'm set on something nothing they say is going to change my mind but me. If I get quiet while they're trying to shove their opinion down my throat, I still haven't changed my mind at all, often times I'm just waiting for them to stop talking to lessen the drama.
So yeah, calm is better. But if they're opposing me and being mean about it, it really doesn't matter much.

3.) I've noticed I've had a tendency to this, I have many friends but I'm very selective of who I let close into my mind. My fiance' is the one I let completely inside. I'm most comfortable with him.

4.) With him, no, it's not hard. He sorta broke through, and I didn't expect it. With others in my past relationships yes, I didn't like sharing emotions much, but he's brought this sensitive side I didn't think I had much in me. I never cry in front of people, but he's that one exception that it's ever happened with. It shocked my best friend when I openly said I loved him, she wasn't used to me saying anything like that cuz how underwraps I am with feelings.

5.) Yes. I feel intensely and have strong opinions. It's kind of all or nothing with me though. I either feel intense or not much at all about something. I don't get my feelings hurt all that easy usually, if I do I don't show it. I'm great masking my emotions.

6.) I don't like others to see my emotional side.

7.)Yes, I do. I don't hold back if someone is being rude. I'll be nice to everyone and I'm generally a very cooperative person, unless they do me or anyone I care about wrong then I'll lash out.

8.) I guess so, I've done that a couple of times. I was being impulsive and enjoying the fun. One time it got me into a mess and in a terrible relationship with a guy that was completely bad for me. Cheated on me and he was always lying to me, very inconsistent... Finally, my patience ran out and I was done being taken for granted so I left it with no regrets of leaving. The other time I impulsively jumped into a relationship, it got me to where I am now with my fiance, hahaha. I wasn't wanting to commit to anyone and didn't want another boyfriend cuz my past hurts, but I found out he liked me a lot and my impulse kicked in and I teased him about liking me and ended up going out with him when he asked... realized what I did after a couple days, broke up with him cuz I wasn't ready for another relationship yet. He never gave up on me though, and we became best friends after that. Ended up getting back together, now I'm engaged xP Going on 3 years together :)

9.) Scorpio Moon.

Moon Trine Mercury
Moon Trine Mars
2013-02-02 2:24 am
1. No I fight AND WIN.... #AriesMoonMarsInLeoDoesn'tHelpThis

2. Yes

3.Kinda bored now back to scryed..brb

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