How concealed gun law protects us ?

2013-01-30 11:29 pm
Say I don't carry guns and Im getting robbed by a gun man, and his gun is pointed at me. I don't see how me carrying a gun would help me get out of this. My thinking is that If I did have a gun, I wouldn't be holding it and he already had the gun pointed at me out of nowhere. Can someone briefly explain to me please?

回答 (14)

2013-01-30 11:38 pm
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Because the prevalence of law-abiding citizens carrying guns is a deterrent to robbers considering committing such crimes.

If I live in San Francisco, and feel like robbing you, I know that concealed weapons permits are virtually unobtainable in that city, so the chances that someone ELSE standing around might be armed are next to none. On the other hand, if I live in Waco Texas, I know that a large percentage of the population is armed, so if I pull a gun on you I might have the drop on YOU... but what about any one else who happens to pass by and see the crime in progress.

That's why armed robberies occur so much more frequently in cities with tight gun controls than in those with loose ones. Armed muggings are a daily part of life in Chicago or DC, where there are effectively no legally armed citizens, and almost unheard of in cities with high rates of gun ownership.

2013-01-31 7:38 am
If you were properly trained in firearms, self-defense, and use of deadly force, you would have additional options that an unarmed and untrained victim doesn't. Having a firearm of your own is certainly going to give you the option to shoot back when you have nothing to lose, i.e., it goes beyond a robbery.

Once enough muggers die in pools of their own blood, you can be pretty sure others will think harder about whether random street robbery is worth getting killed.

If you live in a place where there is a ban on weapons, your legislators have tied you to a post as bait for the wolves.
2013-01-31 9:17 am
Fear in the minds of criminals protects us. If criminals think they have an all access pass (ie no one has a gun), then we might as well start unlocking our doors and inviting criminals in.

If i were a criminal, i would likely not pick the city in which the population is more armed then I am. Generally criminals will determine three things

1) Liiklihood of getting caught
2) Getting killed
3) Success

If the only person that has a gun is the criminal, then the criminal automatically knows prior to even entering your house that there is a slime to none chance he is dying. Then all he needs to worry about is how fast he moves in and out of your house because the police response time is slow.

Again, fear in the minds of criminals prevents crime before they start.

Gun control seems to be a big issue because of the Conn. Shooting. But you can use my thought process to analyze the situation.

Schools don't allow guns, so the criminals don't need to worry about dying until the police get there. His guns were illegally obtained, so he doesn't need to worry about gun control laws. His guns were illegally obtained, so he doesn't need to worry about background checks. His guns were illegally obtained, so he doesn't need to worry about laws restricting magazine size. His guns were illegally obtained, so if Obama bans all guns, then its an all access pass for criminals.
2013-01-31 7:38 am
But using your same analogy, what if you found yourself in a situation where someone else was getting robbed.. such as a gas station, bank teller or even knife welding man at the store. In these cases, you may be present at the scene but not in direct threat by having a gun in your face. So in this situation, you would actually be able to be a hero by stopping the crime while it's happening.

And even using your analogy..

You're right.. I'm getting robed and there is a gun in my face, I probably would do nothing.

BUT, the second that crook turns around and runs off -- (if you had a gun) You would be able to turn the tides and put the barrel on him, thus causing him to surrender. And then when this happens... You've actually stopped this person from robbing someone else --- something that your initial question would not prevent.
2013-01-31 11:48 pm
It's a deterrent if someone thinks his intended victim might be armed. This came out in jailhouse interviews. It's why in the U.S. there's a lower rate of home invasion robberies than in places with prohibitive gun laws. If my house is going to be burglarized, I'd at least rather the thief be in enough doubt that he'd wait until I wasn't there.
2013-01-31 10:33 pm
You are getting robbed by a guy who outweighs you by 100 lbs.

He stops you and demands your wallet.

You reach in and pull out your weapon.

See it now?

No solution is effective in 100% of situations.
2013-01-31 11:43 pm
If I had a concealed weapon and some deranged nut began shooting children in a school or a shopping mall, I believe I would either draw his fire with my weapon or I would walk up behind him and put a bullet in his head.

The most polite people in the world are those huge crowds of citizens at a gun show, because a lot of them are packing.
2013-01-31 2:00 pm
First off, in order to avoid such a situation you are describing, you need what is called "situational awareness." That is being cognizant of your surroundings, looking for potential hazards (places where you can get ambushed), looking for escape routes, watching the people in the area you are moving through. If you are walking and look nervous, people will try to take advantage of you. If an area looks suspicious, don't go through it. If you must, have a friend or friends with you.

Second, if you are licensed and trained for conceal carry, make sure you can get at your weapon before a person(s) gets close to you.

Third. Nothing like the sound of a slide going back and a safety being clicked off to get someone's attention. Helps keep an honest man honest.
2013-02-01 5:03 am
If the gun is POINTED at you, you shoot immediately, without delay, without second though; just draw and shoot and let the assailant drop. According to the Police, a gun being pointed at you means that it WILL be used and therefore, warrants the use of deadly force. The NRA rules on shooting say that you NEVER point the gun at anything unless you are ready to shoot it and unless you WILL shoot it. Not many criminals know this rule.

If someone came out of no where and pulled an armed robbery on you, they would naturally order you to relinquish the contents in our pockets (e.g. wallet, purse, hand), so upon retrieving the items from your pocket or possession, you reach for your gun instead, and the robber will think you're reaching for your wallet. You shoot immediately, and it will be justified.
2013-01-31 8:01 am
if you are good at it you can pull the gun before they do
2013-02-02 1:32 am
They can't explain. For """gun enthusiasts" guns hold magical properties that always defeat the bad guys, like a Superman cartoon.
2013-02-01 3:57 am
Start a duel. Your odds suck, but guns make you safe, right?

To be fair, the freedom to have a concealed weapon may be a deterrent for the robber to rob you or anyone in the first place. Or he'd realize he has the upper hand anyway, but maybe criminals aren't smart?

"That's why armed robberies occur so much more frequently in cities with tight gun controls than in those with loose ones."

Is Waco, Texas really comparable as a city to San Francisco? Houston would be a better comparison. How is the crime in Houston?
2013-01-31 10:16 am
If you're just going to be robbed, it's not worth shooting him anyways. Now say, though, that you think this guy is really going to kill you. If a law abiding citizen on the other side of the alley has a gun, the killer will be shot and you will survive. You can be that citizen as well. Also, if someone just pulls a knife out or something, you're still set AND nobody has to be shot.
2013-01-31 10:26 am
I would at least have my hand on my pistol before he approached me.

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