Capricorn distant when he likes you?

2013-01-30 8:13 pm
He opened up to me twice and shared stuff that most people don't know about. He is quiet but he was talkative with me once. Well the next time I saw him it seemed like he was avoiding me. The openness wasn't there. I caught him looking at me once and when we walked pass each other, he said a sweet hi. I said hi back and after that while we were working it was a avoidance and distant demeanor from him. I asked how he was doing once and he answered cordially but it wasn't quite the same openness even though he smiled a good amount.

回答 (7)

2013-01-30 8:45 pm
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You have hit upon Capricorn's weakness because they do not like showing emotion. It makes them very uncomfortable. And since he did share some of his personal things about himself with you he probably now regrets opening up to you. Due to Capricorn's dislike of emotions.

So now when he sees you he feels that he showed too much of his inner feelings with you and now he is mad at himself for showing some darn emotion. So you haven't done anything wrong. HE is upset with himself for sharing with you that day some of his emotion.

I feel that if and when you two are ever alone together again he will return to the kinder more friendly person that he was when he opened up to you. He just doesn't want anyone to know that you know 'things' about him and again, he is mad at himself for sharing personal history. Those Capricorns are tough old birds when it comes to opening up to another.

So don't dwell on this and continue to say hi to him and I do believe that he will be like he 'was' but this will only happen when you two are alone and it is the right time and the right place. In other words, he doesn't want anyone seeing him 'sharing' himself with you.

And since he is still smiling at you he still has good feelings about you but heaven forbid if anyone else knew that! So if you are truly interested in him understand that Capricorns move very slowly in romance and can take forever to get into a relationship. Especially at your young ages too.

So yes indeed Capricorn can be distant when they like another and it is tough for us that are comfortable with our emotions to understand Capricorn's huge dislike of emotions. But that is just their nature. So be patient and friendly and down the road you may end up together. It may be a 'long' road.

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too. I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-01-30 8:31 pm
It sure does sound like the typical distancing act.

My boyfriend (who has also opened up to me quite a lot) and I got to the point once where we wouldn't say more than a couple of words to each other for a week and then we got together for a movie night and he was surprised at why I was upset over not hearing from him. And every time we did meet up, we had an amazing night. He said he needs space almost all the time because he likes to analyze things and make sure he knows what he's doing. But it has nothing to do with me and I haven't done anything wrong.
We meet at uni and always sit next to each other, but never exchange a lot of words during class. He is very caught up in studying and his future career is the most important thing to him. Maybe your Cappy is also concentrating (or trying to) on working. They are very ambitious.

With Cappies you need to be extra patient, but it's worth the wait almost always. So make sure he knows you're sticking around. He wants to be certain you wouldn't run to other guys while he is running some important errands or working or.. simply, it could be that he wants to know if you're the "out of sight, out of mind" type. And they don't like that.

When Capricorns commit, it's a big decision and not going to be a simple fling.
2013-01-30 10:17 pm
Lol sounds like a Real Capricorn, Just like me .The way he acts.. But I'm a girl , we tend to become more shy , I did the same thing to my Scorpio bf ... I became distant but , He prove his worth by being patient sometimes,Capricorn will test you , if your Worth it or Not, We think deep .. Like is this girl going to be happy with me or This girl will break my heart ? ... We are cautious but That's how we think, since are Pessimist and Realist too .
2013-01-30 8:22 pm
i totally agree. im a cap girl and i have to say that im just shy/distant with the people i want to impress/make a good impression on. with people i dont give a da mn about i can be friendly and "open" in a shallow way bc i dont care what they think. i think he likes you.

may i ask whats your zodiac sign? thank you :)
2013-01-30 8:16 pm
Capricorns can be distant because they want to make sure of things first. They're the type to "look before you leap".
2016-03-12 3:15 am
Capricorns motto is "I use." Unfortunately this can be negative reasons as well as positive ones. As a Capricorn male, I can tell you that it is extremely hard to open up to someone whom you have strong feelings towards. Lesser feelings are no problem, such as compliments. But for love, it is tough. It is tough because we need to have more information to ensure that we will be successful, and scorpios keep their emotions tied down so as to not get hurt or to show weaknes, so telling a scorpio how we feel is a bad bet. If he does care for you, he will tell you if you tell him first. If you dont tell him he might never tell you, only try and show you in the vague capricorn way that we do. But what some of the other people are saying might be true too, because like I said, our motto is " I use."
2013-01-30 8:21 pm
that horn ist blowing..try a cap from a dental plan. or das crown, or das plate.

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