How are my Astro friends doing these days? Yes, you, even if you're not my contact?

2013-01-30 8:09 pm
I missed being in this section. Life has been slightly nightmarish, but I'm trying.

How are you doing?

回答 (7)

2013-01-31 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Here's a William Shakespeare quote that i like ,it's so simple,so short and so wise.

''Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none''.
參考: Cancer
2013-01-31 5:44 am
I'm also decorating and changing things around, plus other things to be put in order. Slightly nightmarish for me as well. Just trying to get it together. I'll be happy with the results.
I have this wicked congestion worse than I've ever had. I think it came because I was super dried out by indoor heating when I stayed over a friend's house.. Then I was sticking my face in the mist of all those humidifiers at bed bath beyond.
2013-01-31 5:22 am
I'm doing well. I've been busy lately. But other than that I'm okay.

Thinking of sponsoring some kids in Zimbabwe. That's exciting. :)
2013-01-31 4:33 am
I too miss my Astro friends and haven't been on this section as much as I used to be. And I can't add any more contacts unfortunately because I have hit the limit of contacts and many of them have disappeared.

But there is always room for another friend and that is what is so good about life. There is an infinite amount of love on this planet so 'spreading' love around (especially through our answers which I wish were always kind instead of 'not kind') is making some good karma to help us through our life.

And yes with Transiting Neptune in Pisces 'hitting' all of the Mutable Mode Signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sag, and Pisces there is much confusion right now because Neptune is the best at 'veiling' reality and clouding up the thought processes and our actions too. Really tough on Virgo because they are so into orderly 'detail' and now they are having problems with Neptune's ability to veil the truth and is rather disorderly in thought and nature. Neptune excels at 'clouding' any issues.

Then Transiting Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn are in square aspect (personal discontent) so our Cardinal Mode Signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are dealing with abrupt changes in their life and not necessarily good ones either with all of the horrible shootings we have been having. Uranus loves change and Pluto loves power and this is one aspect that I will be thrilled when it is passed. The violence manifested through this aspect is horrid and inexcusable causing much suffering. Some planets just don't 'blend' well and Uranus in Aries (violence) squaring Pluto in Capricorn (desiring power in cruel ways) are two planets that do not bring joy and compassion. Terrible outcomes with this one.

Oh and Neptune in Pisces rules dreams and nightmares too and many people are suffering nightmares at this time too. People are having very strange and bizarre dreams too so life is quite difficult for many at this time.

Thanks for coming back as you are missed here on Answers. Hope everything works out well for you and keep trying as quitting is the only way we can fail at anything. Good luck and bless you and I wish you well as always.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-01-31 5:21 am
I have been juicing fruits and vegetables like crazy,,, that and spending time with my boyfriend, and decorating my apartment making it look super cute. Buying the girliest cutest looking stuff i can find. When my apartment is pretty I feel happy. ;)
參考: Virgo.
2013-01-31 6:22 am
I'm sorry to hear that its been nightmarish :(

I was wondering what happened to you lady!! Missed you :)

I got a new Pisces bf that I'm falling madly in love with... But money has been a big issue lately :/ so that part of my life has been crappy.
參考: Sag sun Aries moon Cancer rising
2013-01-31 7:52 am
I feel so lonely. but i am trying to be happy. any way can you give answer to my last question from my profile?
參考: Gemini in sun Aquarius in moon Cancer in Venus Rising in libra

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