Why can't i stay long with my Gemini guy? :/?

2013-01-30 7:31 pm
So me and my bf have been together for 4 months and i broke up with him once cause he was a flirt BUT he did change his ways for me, he completely stopped flirting just for me and i know he loves me a lot but there are other things that he does that not only pisses me off but i don't feel happy being with him like he NEVER replies my texts he text me back 5 hours later, he doesn't answer my call in the day cause he never really has his phone with him so he calls me at night when im sleepy.

He's NOT cheating on me he does goes to school and work and i do give him his space but i call him at the time i know he's not busy i mean i stay busy too but i do text him back sooner than he does and whenever i really need to talk to him i call him and text him but he doesn't respond. I've finally decided to make up my mind and leave him but he doesn't want to leave me and he keeps calling me when i don't answer him to win me back.

Do all Gemini's do this? Im an Aries

回答 (4)

2013-01-30 8:23 pm
(my moon sign is Gemini so I thought I'd say something lol)
As an Aries (I LOVE Aries ;) ) You are steady and one way. You think in more of a rational way, while the fickle 2 sided Gemini is all over the place. They never know what they want because they are thinking positive and butterflies and creativity lol, while their other side is analyzing everything and has a moody, cynical side, that results in nervousness and frustration. Honesty I think their fickle side just helps them get around themselves. High extrovert they are, but without the Aries fire they don't usually run up and open something or become in charge of something, like an Aries. They are too airy. I have never seen one commit long to anything. They get bored because their brain never stops. Don't hold that against you though! They are highly witty and see the real like an Aries. I have a cousin and see is sooo smart and knows so much, but her bf never married her and I see why. She has a small job and barely eats, there's no fire. However there are brilliant ones like Actors Johnny Depp and the actor that plays in the doctor show, House.

Don't take his flakiness personal, it's probably who he is. Of course he doesn't want to leave you, he's just a drifter lol. You will be the hard worker in the relationship, though. Just maybe sit down and tell him this. Get it into his head that you cant ignore someone like that, but also tell him about the Geminis. I'm sure he'd like to know himself better. He probably a flake and will feed off your steadiness.

Umm g2g, hope this helped!

Edit: haha just got back and read this. lol forgive my rushed grammar. I had to get somewhere ^_^
2013-01-30 8:05 pm
Gemini, especially when young, has a problem with commitment due to their issues with boredom. Gemini seeks 'change' due to the lightning quick Planet Mercury which is the Ruler of Gemini. Mercury only takes 88 days to revolve around the sun as earth takes 365 days. So this gives Gemini a quick, slippery nature that requires 'quick change' in order to avoid that terrible boredom that they are often plagued with.

Aries requires quick results and so it IS frustrating for you to try to understand these constant changes and disappearances and the flirting too but young Gemini is only doing what the nature of Gemini does. Move quickly. Avoid boredom. Talk to anyone about anything. That is Gemini.

So I always suggest that Gemini settle down with a mate later in life due to their difficulty committing to another with young. I don't doubt that he cares for you but he is pulled in the direction of his nature. Gemini is symbolized by The Twins so there is this inherent changeability in Gemini that makes being with them long term very frustrating. They can be true to their partner (more so when older) but they can't help but talk with others and sometimes they also flirt with others they are talking to. It doesn't make it right for YOU but he is only doing what feels right to HIM. It is his nature.

I advise that you wait for him to contact you as absence does make the heart grow fonder and he KNOWS that you care for him so he feels he can do what he wants and you will still be there for him. So why not change it up a bit and wait for him to seek you out? Gemini may want to flirt at times but I feel quite certain he would not be happy if you did the same.

So, don't start flirting with other guys but let him know that you don't have to 'orbit' around him in order to be happy. Spend time with a friend and go out with a friend to someplace fun because it is good for Gemini to 'get a taste' of what you have been going through with him.

So text him once and wait until he texts you back. This is important because at some point he will realize you haven't texted him again and that is what we want him to notice. That you TOO have a life and don't depend on him for your happiness.

Because do you really want to feel like this? As an Aries I imagine his actions upset you because Aries are Our Warriors and you are fighting for him but is he worth it? See how long it takes for him to contact you and let him see that you are fine and busy and happy and THEN see how much effort he uses to stay in touch.

Do all young Geminis do this? Yes they do. Most of them do act this way. Female Geminis too but the Male Gemini is tough to stay in one place for long. So decide if he is worth your worry and if so, give him some time to 'grow up' before asking for him to settle down. He will be much more inclined to be into home and family sometime in the first 30 years of life. So watch his behavior and in a few years he MIGHT be ready for commitment that is True Commitment, not part-time commitment.

Hope this is helpful and bless you too and remember as an Aries you probably aren't blessed with much patience and you will need much patience to stay with this Gemini. Good luck and I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33
2016-03-12 3:13 am
First of all, I didn't know every guy fell for Gemini woman, but if they do it's because they know exactly what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. They're able to put their emotions and feelings and words into a beautiful conversation pretty quickly! They also have the strong power of seduction. But if the love is not there after they experienced some time with a particular partner, they will not hesitate to continue looking for the one! I believe a gemini does better with another gemini than any other sign; however, because they can mutate to each others needs continuously!! Gemini women also let men know that they are self assured can live without them making it more of an interesting challenge for a man, thus he is greatly attracted to her.
2013-02-02 12:23 am
No all geminians are not like that, it also depend on other signs like Moon sign Venus sign etc.
I am a Gemini girl with Aquarius moon, Libra rising & Cancer venus.
I dont like that type. i dont have any boyfriend but i have friends & i am totally opposite.
Actually he need to understand you. so 1st tell him this main problem frankly & show him how you feel for that, start to blackmail emotionaly & everything will be fine
參考: sun-Gemini moon-Aquarius rising-Libra venus-Cancer

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