goodnight 同good night有咩分別??

2013-01-31 7:12 am
goodnight vsgood night

everyday vs every day

gameboy vs game boy

回答 (1)

2013-01-31 8:33 am
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(1) goodnight or good night (exclamation),
~ used for saying goodbye to someone in the evening or at night, or before you go to bed at night.

Good night. Sleep well.
Give the children a goodnight sleep.

(2) good night (noun phrase) = pleasant night
I feel well after a good night’s sleep.

(3) everyday (adjective, one word) = ordinary, usual, happening every day. It is normally used before a noun.
Many of these expressions now form part of everyday conversation.

(4) every day (two words) = each day ( (functions like an adverbial phrase)
I see him every day.

(5) Game Boy ~ trademark (two words)
a type of small machine for playing computer games, which can be held in the hand. Game Boy is made by the NINTENDO company and is popular especially with children.

Some people treat “Gomeboy” as an adjective.
e.g. Gameboy camera, Gameboy emulator/debugger, Gameboy music

2013-01-31 05:04:57 補充:

Give the children a goodnight kiss.

(~ not goodnight sleep)
參考: Longman English Dictionary

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:34:43
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