correct my essay please

2013-01-31 2:04 am
Writing-be able to speak different sorts of language/ directs

First of all, in order to excel your job, you need to be able to speak different sorts of language. Why? The reason is that in nowadays, many and many company need to be different sorts of language to speak with different kinds of customers. If you can speak with this, you will get the job easier. When you meeting some of different sorts of customers, such as Japanese or Australia. You can speak with them and your customers may buy your company’s goods. Your boss will praise you and even so, you may promote to another position. So, it can be said that it is important to speak different sorts of language or dialects.

回答 (2)

2013-01-31 7:39 pm
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Writing-be able to speak different sorts of language/ directs

First of all, if you want to do the salesman's job well, you must be able to speak different languages. It is because most company requires various languages to communicate with some customers. If you can do in that way, you will do the job well. When you meet with some customers, such as Japanese or Australian. If you can speak their languages, then they will buy your company’s goods. And your boss will praise you for the bargain or even you may be promoted to higher position. Owing to this, it is very important to speak different languages or dialects fluently.
參考: Partly according to The Advanced Learner Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation by Oxford University Press in 1975
2013-01-31 4:37 pm
The correction of your essay-writing:-Be able to speak different kinds of language/dialects.
-----First of all in order to excel your job, you need to be able to speak different kinds of languages.
-----The reason is that many companies need different kinds of languages to deal with different kinds of customers.
-----If you can speak with confidence the languages, you'll get the job easier;eg:-meeting with Japanese or Australian customers and speaking with their languages will help sell the products, services successfully!
-----Your boss will praise you highly and even promote you to a higher rank !
-----So it can be said that it is important to speak different kinds of languages/dialects.
NB.note the spellings on "dialects'; different kinds of----languages/dialects.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 13:32:46
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