Are capricorns more prone to depression?

2013-01-30 5:09 am

回答 (10)

2013-01-30 8:01 pm
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Yes,Capricorn placements definitely,Saturn is linked to depression,melancholy,self doubt issues so strong/afflicted Saturn in a chart too...
參考: Cap. Moon
2013-01-30 5:16 am
Yes, they're ruled by Saturn the planet of depression and gloom. It;s bad having Moon in Capricorn, but I'm glad I don't have Sun in that sign. They're hard workers but I swear they're all crazy!!
2013-01-30 6:01 am
Actually depression is a mental illness that happens to any of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac. Very interesting observation though.

Since Saturn is the Ruler of Capricorn I can see why you would think they would be more prone to having depression as Saturn's placement and aspects often DO make Capricorn feel heavily burdened and feeling "one step forward and two steps back." Capricorns often feel "old when young" and fortunately "young when old."

So I would look at a Capricorn's Natal Chart and see if the Sun is in hard aspect with Saturn as this could tend to make one feel pessimistic and hopeless. For example, any Sun Sign that is conjunct (close in degree) to Saturn will have to be more patient for the 'good things' in life BUT when you have worked hard and long and done your best work you WILL be rewarded in a wonderful way because you have EARNED those rewards. Hard work DOES pay off. Especially when Saturn is 'weighing down' your life.

When you see the hard aspects of conjunction, square, and opposition between two planets that means that in this lifetime we are to work especially hard to improve our 'skills' in order to 'pass' that Test of Life.

When you see the easy aspects of sextile and trine between two planets that means that you did something particularly well in a previous lifetime and in this lifetime you are being rewarded for your well-done effort in your previous life. Aspects tell the story of what we need to work on in this lifetime and what we have done well in a previous lifetime(s).

Capricorns are the workaholics of the zodiac too and everyone needs some time off from their job in order to have a balanced and happy life. Capricorn isn't aware of this 'need for pleasure' or they just ignore their need for 'down-time.' This could increase the potential for debilitating depression because 'all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.' An old saying from my long ago childhood.

So when the 'chips are down' Capricorn will work even harder if that is possible. The great thing is that Capricorns DO lighten up as they age and most will be well-prepared for retirement due to their intense and grueling work-ethic through the years. The rewards of pleasing Saturn are the best. Hard work DOES pay off both in this lifetime and into ones next lifetime too.

Lastly, maybe more Capricorns do suffer with depression but they would probably be the last one to admit it. Day by day, month to month, and year to year Capricorn WILL work by "putting one foot in front of the other" until there is a complete inability to continue working. So if they ARE more prone to depression, they are less inclined to allow it to interfere with their job.

Great question and very relevant today with depression so widespread it seems like an epidemic. But losing ones job would probably "hit" Capricorn harder than most signs because of their NEED to work. Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-01-30 5:46 am
I've had A LOT of experience with capricorns, with that being said, I think YES they are more prone to depression. Many astrologers say Capricorns are very business/goal oriented, which I could see that leading to depression. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
參考: Scorpio
2013-01-30 6:11 am
Not really, depression is more of a Cancerian thing.
2013-01-30 5:14 am
2013-01-30 11:39 pm
Yes because Saturn is the planet of pain, suffering and depression. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are so much more likely to get depressed than any other elements.
參考: Sagittarius Sun Leo Moon Leo Rising
2013-01-30 5:49 am
Astrology is not that simple.

Being a Capricorn means that the person was born when SUN was in Capricorn.

How is Sun aspected? In other words, what are the distances between the Sun and the other 9 "planets"?
Sun is our confidence, our vitality .. it is our need to feel whole and complete, and how we seek to feel self-fulfilled. Each "planet" represents a different part of our personality, and a different inner need. HOW any given need intreacts with the rest of our personality is shown by aspects (which are specific distances between any 2 planets)

So if our Sun has a lot of discordant aspects (conjunctions with "malefics", or square or opposition aspects), and very few hamonious aspects (conjunctions with "benefics", or sextiles or trines), then the rest of of our personality acts like a "wet blanket" .. it does not "back up" our efforts to succeed in finding fulfillment.
Yes, this CAN lead to depression.

Another thing that can lead to depression are discordant aspects to our Moon ... Moon represents our emotional responses, our need for feeling emotionally safe in life. So discordant aspects to Moon can make our emotions discordant, and that can lead to depression.

Especially any squares or oppositions involving Saturn. Saturn is our need to deal with reality, and how we handle limitation and effort. So in a discordant square of opposition aspect, Saturn is a big-time wet-blanket ... hemming in the need of whatever planet is mal-aspects.

Also, if Saturn is very strong in the chart (for instance, if it forms a conjunct aspect with any of the cardinal points/angles in your chart), then you can also be prone to depression, because the sense of reality is too strong, the sense of limitation is like a weight.

But the Sun sign by itself? Even if Sun is in Capricorn? No .. you cannot tell from that.

My best friend, my mother-in-law (of 40 years) and one of my brother-in-laws all have Sun in Capricorn .. and other planets as well, for each of them. None of them are prone to depression. Not even to dysthymia. They are all cheerful, and two of them are downright optimistic .. but all 3 of them are very practical and not-wasteful of anything. Interestingly enough, none of them are what you would call "ambitious".
2013-01-30 5:22 am
Yes them and all the other planits to.
2016-03-12 2:37 am
I may second that motion. Capricorn Moon are more prone to depressio but it still gives an ambitious person. They are prudent, with a low-self-esteem, although they may be approbative and sensitive. They love to lead.

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