Transit Uranus conjunct natal Saturn, what is it about?

2013-01-29 9:43 pm
Because i think that it's the reason i'm not getting along with my family.

I think that Transit Uranus(planet of disruptions) and natal Saturn (delays) Is gonna change up my family life. Later on in november i'm also gonna have t Saturn squaring my Leo moon later this year.

This year i just feel like i'm gonna break ties with my family. Me & mom and fighting over personal and a million things right now.

My transit chart(read before it expires):

回答 (2)

2016-08-11 2:29 pm
Welcome to the club. I simply completed mine last 12 months with Saturn in Virgo and i'm born the same 12 months as you so i will be able to relate. Do not let it get to you. You're on the finish of that return and only feeling the left overs. The quandary is that you got hit below the belt with so many planets in Libra. The primary facet is the transit of Saturn over Venus and opposing your Moon. Saturn is good placed in Libra and also you need to be more sensible about your ideals to with. The transit over Venus opp Moon advocate some problems with social and loved ones issues and by means of feminine associates. Watch your finances for the duration of this subsequent 2 months. Saturn may even oppose your Ascendant and can have an effect on the health akin to colds, disorders a good way to linger longer than ordinary. I do know that affairs are not going the way in which you need. Delays and progress won't transfer as quickly as you wish to have. Don't permit yourself to be depressed even supposing the interval is attempting. I propose utilizing the Mars sextile Saturn vigor and seem to your ninth house for solutions. Underneath this part, you are going to start feeling extra courageous and adventurous in a month or so. Your head shall be extra clear. So far as love concerns, use tact and diplomacy principally with Saturn in Libra. You shouldn't have situation. I fully grasp the Moon / saturn opposition but you have to use vigour from Mars so that they can be in good facet to Saturn. By the identical token, Mars is in trine with Moon when Saturn transits Venus. Be much less impulsive and rely on mental vigour to push your affairs and no longer the senses. I advise taking a brief go back and forth and plan matters faraway from your entire common hobbies. Recharge the batteries and be wiser with the Mars / Moon vigour.
2013-01-29 10:29 pm
Your Saturn is in the 7th House of Marriage and Partnerships and with Transiting Uranus conjunct your natal Saturn I would be looking for some 'shaking up' of traditional partners at this time. Transiting Uranus dislikes routine and the familiar so I wouldn't be surprised if you meet someone that is quite unlike your 'normal' choice of partners during this transit. This would be a definite 'change-up' for you because Saturn is so traditional and static.

With Jupiter opposite Moon (mother) this could be a life lesson for you regarding your mother and since an opposition is a difficult relationship aspect that you are to work on in this lifetime. Jupiter represents abundance and knowledge and possible your mom has expectations of you that are 'too much' or 'too limiting' in some way. Mom (moon) is probably quite certain she has the knowledge (jupiter) that you 'need' and it gets to be too much at times. Hence the feeling of an overwhelming need for freedom (jupiter) to be more independent and desiring to make your own decisions.

The reason I honed in on this Moon/Jupiter opposition is because Jupiter is the apex of your Kite Formation which is a beautifully flowing energy between the planets comprising your Kite Formation. Do you see it? Jupiter is the 'top' of the kite and the Moon is the 'tail' with Pluto and Saturn completing the formation.

The Kite is a formation that you have earned in previous lifetimes and you will eventually overcome these mother issues as that Moon/Jupiter opposition is the 'body' of the Kite Formation.

I think the main reason for the problems with mom too is that you have Moon Trine Saturn in your chart which indicates a long term and strong and loving relationship with your mother. However, Uranus is disturbing that natal energy of your Moon/Saturn Trine and so there is friction with mother right now.

I would suggest that you try to work things out instead of 'running' at this time because once Uranus has 'stirred' everything up your relationship with mom will be stronger for 'working through' this Transiting Uranus conjunct Natal Saturn and I would do your best to not 'bail' on her right now as you are just under Uranus' Energy currently but this too will pass.

Uranus loves rebellion and we have to really think through long-term before making decisions because Uranus will do whatever it takes to give you enough issues to change up everything that is actually good in your relationship with your mother. Try to work things out as this is just a tough life lesson and take things slowly when it comes to leaving mom as I feel this is temporary and not worth breaking ties for sure. Hang in there. Overcome this opposition and the karmic rewards will be huge.

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you and your mom too.
參考: Amethyst33

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