Why does Pisceans rarely feel jealousy and envy?

2013-01-29 5:19 pm

回答 (6)

2013-01-29 6:34 pm
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Pisces do get jealous just like all signs can be jealous. However an evolved Pisces, one that is filled with compassion for those that are suffering, doesn't desire what others 'have' as they are not focused on such things.

Pisces is our sign of creativity and spirituality so their mind isn't 'fixed' on what others have that Pisces doesn't have. Pisces has the most important trait which is caring for those that are suffering. When Pisces is 'tuned into' someone that is hurting there isn't any energy left for things such as jealousy or hatred. Pisces helps others. That is what they do best.

Pisces is a Water Sign which means they are emotional beings. Pisces actually has the ability to "absorb" another person's feelings just like a sponge absorbs water. That is why Pisces 'knows' how another is feeling. Pisces actually "feels" their emotions. This is why they are so good at helping others as they know how another is suffering.

Pisces isn't fixated on worldly things but instead is fixed on otherworldly things such as love, care, and forgiveness. This doesn't leave much energy for being jealous or envious.

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-01-30 1:20 am
I'm a pisces and I get jealous all the time...
2013-01-30 1:24 am
Because they have no souls.
2013-01-30 1:22 am
Because we're the coolest of the cool, and we rule the world as we tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth in our tennis-shoe'd feet-taw.
2013-01-30 1:30 am
They're heartless
2013-01-30 12:14 pm
those are the emotions I feel all the time...and love.
參考: fish

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