is composite compatibility more important than great synastry to you?

2013-01-29 10:22 am
cuz i read somewhere that composite is when the couple will behave alone. so i think it's more important to have better composite than synastry, don't you think?

回答 (2)

2013-01-29 9:56 pm
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No. Composite is for long term relationships. It is when the couple act as one. I prefer synastry. Synastry shows interaction between two individuals. Alone or in public, it doesn't matter.
2013-01-30 3:12 am
They are both important and both are good indicators of compatibility.

I prefer the composite chart because it gives the dynamics of the relationship and you only use one chart. In synastry you compare both natal charts to each other to see how the planets interact with each other.

When I look at a composite chart details just 'pop' out at me and this is the main reason I prefer a composite chart. Aspects are easily seen and this makes interpretation quicker for me.

So really it's up to the astrologer what they prefer and I use both when there is a marriage looming ahead for someone that I know as I want as much information as I can get from their charts.

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33

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