Whats up with Uranus opposite Mars? In male's chart?

2013-01-29 2:54 am
and Venus also being opposite Uranus...but on a wider orb (4 degrees), as opposed to the mars and uranus aspect which has a orb of 0 degrees.

What does it signify, especially in a guys chart?

Venus and Mars being in Leo in the 11th house and Uranus in very late Capricorn in the 5th house?

回答 (1)

2013-01-29 9:10 pm
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The only reason I would be more concerned with this aspect in a male's chart is because generally males direct their energy more 'outward' while females tend to direct their energy 'inward." And Mars is all about 'action' representing 'the warrior' in us all. Uranus loves change greatly dislikes 'boring' so there is an unpredictable energy where Uranus is located in ones chart.

Mars- Action, Desire, Sex, Warrior
Uranus- Non-conformist, Dislikes Routine, Desires Change.

The opposition aspect is 180 degrees and is an aspect regarding relationships. This is a tough aspect because it can be so quickly unpredictable and when upset (mars) can escalate into violence. Learning how to control ones anger seems like a life lesson for this male.

So I would carefully watch his behavior and note how he handles anger. If you see violent tendencies emerging then I would let him go very quickly. And then stay on the 'down low' for a while after severing ties with him to avoid confrontation.

Unpredictability is strong in this aspect and when one is unpredictable one can be dangerous.

If you see that he is really 'thoughtful' before he gets angry he may be on his way to overcoming the negative consequences of this opposition. But our tough aspects in our chart always tell us that in this lifetime we need to be 'working' on improving our self and possibly he IS working on his anger issues. So be watchful of his behavior as behavior always reveals ones true character.

Uranus is in the 5th House of Romance so this increases the possibility that this 'unpredictability' will manifest in romantic relationships which isn't so great. I have a 5th House Uranus that has made romance very 'interesting' in my life but it is mostly well-aspected, no negative aspects to Mars, so this diminishes all that strong Mars Energy that can be so volatile.

Since he has Venus/Mars conjunction in Leo he will be strong-willed in love. And Capricorn Uranus opposing his Venus/Mars might give him control issues in love too. So keep your eyes open and watch his behavior. And please don't tell him about this so he doesn't know you are 'analyzing' him. A girl's got to do what she's got to do. Love Is A Battlefield. (Pat Benatar's great song).

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too and never settle in love because you are worthy and deserving of true love. When you only want what is best for your mate and your mate only wants what is best for you then you have found True Love. I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33 Love Is A Battlefield by Pat Benatar, great singer/performer/musician/composer

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