Why do people call me ugly? :(?

2013-01-29 12:52 am
First off, don't say its personality. I'm like the nicest person you could meet. I don't get In trouble. So, that's not it. I have this app called Instagram, and lots of people do things called group rates, or rates. They also do this on FB. The highest I've ever gotten was an eight, lowest being a five. :( People say it behind my back, and I'm 13. It makes me sad because I KNOW that I'm not as bad as other girls, but they get liked more because they have big butts and etc. I'm African American, 5'5, no bumps or pimbles, brown eyes, and I have sort of a big nose. I'm not fat, but not skinny.....I just hate myself. All my pics are gone on instagram and I just feel like an outsider. What do I do?

回答 (12)

2013-01-29 1:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
i go through the same exact thing. i dont have a big butt or chest, im skinny and people pick out my flaws whenever.sometimes i feel as if i was like other girls this wouldn't happen but sometimes you have to say to yourself god made me this way, i never asked to be this way you either like me or u dnt. if u dont like me d0nt be bothered with me :) but people refer to people as being ugly because the name callers themselves either
-low self-esteem about themselves
-has family problems
- likes to be mean
-or has mental or emotional problems
2013-01-29 12:56 am
You know, I studied psychology and this question is all over. Many people feel insecure (not you) and decide to pick on others and make them feel bad to make themselves look like the bigger person. In nowadays societies, people ignore personalities and decide to judge on looks and races. You are not an outsider! Believe me, I know how you feel. Just be the bigger person and stand up for yourself. Don't feel bad. You sound beautiful from the description (not trying to sound like a creeper, lol). Don't feel bad at all.
參考: School/college
2013-01-29 1:05 am
Just try to ignore them. They are probably just insecure about themselves and taking it out on other people. Sometimes people call others ugly when they are jealous so they might be jealous of you ;) don't let it bother you.
2013-01-29 1:05 am
Stop being so insecure.. Even though I don't know you, I'm sure you're a very sweet girl.. Don't worry because boys will go for that kind of stuff at that age.. That's why I (also a 13 yr old girl) go for guys who are nice to everyone and don't judge people by looks.. Don't worry too much about boys right now because your number one priority right now should be school.. Who cares what people think? Whenever someone calls me ugly ( which hasn't happened since like 3 grade or something) I just ignore them and make a joke out of it and laugh with them.. Stop selling yourself short.. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, just keep telling yourself that.. Just be yourself and stop worrying about what everybody else thinks.. I used to be REALLY shy and insecure.. But now, I see that I wasn't born to please people.. I was born to be ME.. Just be yourself and I promise you that a very lucky guy out there will love you for that.. But for now, stop worrying about boys because all they are is trouble.. (lol) Just stick to getting your grades up and hanging out with friends and enjoying life without having to worry about boys and stuff.. ( Sorry if I didn't really answer your question, lol I tried..) Good luck.!! :)
2013-01-29 1:05 am
People are insecure
2013-01-29 1:00 am
if you know that you arent ugly then why do you let them make you feel bad? you shouldnt let other people do that to you. ya gotta learn to ignore them. people are cruel, thats just the way it is, but ya gotta rise above that kinda thing. just ignore anyone that says bad things about you, as long as you know theyre not right thats all that matters. also, most of the time when a person goes around talking about others its because that person feels badly about themselves. love yourself and be confident :)
2013-01-29 1:00 am
poeple call you ugly because there not as good looking like you :)
2013-01-29 12:59 am
Aww no ur not I think people are just jealous if ur not mean and stuff like that
2013-01-29 12:54 am
Don't pay attention to them.
2014-03-31 4:40 am
I have been rated that low on instagram too, and it feels awful. Just stop and remember that a label given to you by people doesn't actually matter in the long runs they're probably just insecure about themselves, as Christine said. I once read a quote: there will always be people prettier than you. You just have to find that one guy that doesn't care.
參考: Experience
2013-01-29 1:08 am
When I was 13 I thought I was the ugliest person in the world. It's the age, if your peers have nothing better to do than call you ugly than that's pretty pathetic. Just know that and be happy.
參考: 18, been there.
2013-01-29 1:05 am
People just hate. But I think that you are beautiful. Sometimes when people call you ugly and stuff it is really because they are jealous and nothing really else. But don't worry about them, don't hate yourself. You are beautiful and God knows it.

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