How do I handle a Neptune Square Sun transit?

2013-01-28 10:02 pm
I am really scared about this transit that will be occurring from March 2013 through January 2015. Can you please give me some advice.

Natal chart:

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2013-01-28 10:29 pm
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Please don't be afraid because what we fear we draw to us. Astrology gives us an idea of what we need to be watchful for so try to think of astrology as a tool and not a fated ordeal.

Your Sun is in the 10th House and this is your profession and how the public sees you. Since a square is a personal discontent that we need to work on I would be sure to follow the rules at work and always keep strong documentation of your actions at work. The possibility of sabotage is possible so be watchful of others at work and do not reveal anything about your life to others at this time. Neptune tends to 'turn things around' and we can often get involved in something that we really had nothing to do with. So watch your words and who you share things with.

And there might be some confusion at work or how you are seen by the public so make sure to keep everything on the up and up and don't change your 'style' of doing things at this time. Keep your feet on the ground. Keep your head out of the clouds.

Transiting Neptune is also in opposition to your Chiron which is a 'wound' that only gets worse the more that we try to heal the wound. Some believe we cannot overcome Chiron but I disagree. So do your best to avoid trying to 'fix' something that is hurtful to you at this time. I would suggest that you meditate as this can free your mind and your spirit. So there might be something hurtful between you and another and I wouldn't try to work things out during this transit. Stay strong. Don't allow others to push your buttons.

You also have Sun (your nature) opposition Pluto (power) in your chart so be careful not to try to manipulate anyone or control someone because that is lots of new negative karma that you will be making. Trying to manipulate another person's Free Will is extremely negative karma that will only have to be 'paid' later in a future lifetime so don't control anyone. This way you can avoid making new negative karma which is a wonderful goal that is good for us all. Only do good things and nothing underhanded. Don't talk about others at work. Don't ever ask someone to do something that you yourself would not want to do. This will help you overcome your Sun/Pluto opposition.

Neptune will also conjunct your natal Saturn after your Sun/Neptune transit. Saturn is where we must assume personal responsibility for everything that we do as we cannot blame another for our mistakes. Since your natal Saturn squares your natal Sun, you must be diligent at work and no short-cuts. Hard work is to be expected but transiting Neptune can activate that Sun square Saturn in your natal chart. So keep everything on the up and up and no funny business. You've got to be a straight arrow. Otherwise there can be problems regarding your profession and image too.

So follow the rules and do your best work and after these transits are over you should have grown much and the rewards are awesome when we pass Saturn's Tests. Good luck and bless you and I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-01-29 9:10 am
Become more skeptical, realistic and grounded. You should be fine if you put enough effort.

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