人踩人 英文 is?

2013-01-29 4:01 am
Please help me to find it .

回答 (7)

2013-01-29 8:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
人踩人 英文 (when claused by a large group of people moving in panic) is:

crowd crush, or

human stampede

2013-01-29 13:48:37 補充:
when caused (not "when clasused).
參考: My past learning
2013-01-30 3:53 am
2013-01-29 3:40 pm
A stampede broke out in KISS club.
People were trampled in the crush.----(The Standard.)
2013-01-29 1:28 pm
人羣互相踐踏==The crowd of people are trampled with one another.
參考: Partly according to The Advanced Learner Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation by Oxford University Press in 1975
2013-01-29 7:08 am
People stepping on people 參考資料︰Bing 翻譯自己[hope I can help you(希望幫到你),其他回答者請勿抄襲,其他回答者請勿參考或「抄考」,發問者請勿移除問題,其他網友請勿檢舉本答案]
2013-01-29 4:58 am
人踩人 = People stepping each other.
2013-01-29 4:29 am
People step on people

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