
2013-01-28 9:01 pm

1 今天是2013年1月28日

2 我仍然在7點前起床並出門去上班
I still got up and went to work before seven o'clock

3 出門時我看到天空就知道今天是好天氣
I saw the sky i knew the weather was well today when i was went out


5 我想這是7點前出門的特權
I thought this is my power before went to work at seven o'clock

6 恩午休快結束了,今天就先這樣

cut******大大提供了書籍呢~~ 感恩

回答 (7)

2013-01-28 11:52 pm
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1 今天是2013年1月28日
Today is January 28, 2013.

2 我仍然在7點前起床並出門去上班
I got up before seven and went out to work as usual.

3 出門時我看到天空就知道今天是好天氣
I knew immediately that it would be a fine day when I looked at the sky before leaving home.

There wasn't too much traffic.

5 我想這是7點前出門的特權
I am sure that is the privilege of an early bird.

6 恩午休快結束了,今天就先這樣
My lunchbreak is almost over. That's all for today.
2013-01-30 6:52 pm
1 今天是2013年1月28日
Today is 28 Jan,2013.

2 我仍然在7點前起床並出門去上班
I still got up before 7 AM and went to work.

3 出門時我看到天空就知道今天是好天氣
While going out, I knew the weather was pretty good by seeing the sky.

The traffic was not heavy.
5 我想這是7點前出門的特權
I think it is the benefit for me to go out before 7 AM.

6 恩午休快結束了,今天就先這樣Amm, the day break is to be over. That’s it.

2013-01-29 4:09 pm
Today is January 28, 2013 I still get up in front of the 7-point and go out to work Go out when I saw the sky knows that today is good weather Not many cars on the road I think this is the prerogative of 7 points before going out Well near the end of the lunch break today
2013-01-29 5:13 am
1.Today is January 28th,2013.
2.I still got up and went to work before seven o'clock.
3.When I went out, I saw the sky and I knew today is a good weather.
4.There wasn't many cars on the road.
5.I think this is the privilege of leaving before 7 o'clock.
6.lunchbreak is almost over, that's all of today.
參考: 自己
2013-01-28 10:13 pm
1 今天是2013年1月28日
Today is January 28, 2013.

2 我仍然在7點前起床並出門去上班
I still get up and leave for work before 7:00am.

3 出門時我看到天空就知道今天是好天氣
When I saw the clear sky as soon I walked out the door, I knew it will be a sunny day.

Not so many cars on the road.

5 我想這是7點前出門的特權
I think this is the benefit of leaving before 7:00am.

6 恩午休快結束了,今天就先這樣
Lunch break is almost over. That will be all for today.
參考: self
2013-01-28 9:56 pm
1.Today is 28th January, 2013.

2. I got up before 7:00 the same as usual then I went to work.

3. The sky was clear so I knew it must be a shiny day.

4. There were not many cars on the road.

5. So it should be a benefit to go out to work earlier.

6. After the break time then a day ended soon.
2013-01-28 9:43 pm
1 Today is January 28, 2013
2 I still got up and went to work before seven o'clock
3 I saw the sky and i knew the weather was well today when i was went out
4 There wasn't many cars on the road
5 I thought this is my power for went to work before seven o'clock
6 Well,the lunch break is near the end ,that's all for today!


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