Is there such a thing as giving "too much" space in a relationship?

2013-01-28 2:54 am
Explain please and what's your Venus?

回答 (11)

2013-01-28 3:48 am
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Not if that's what works for you!
My grandparents lived in different houses in different cities, communicated via phone mostly and had nothing but love for each other. They considered themselves very happily married, just wanted to do their own thing; and neither of them were seeing anyone else.
That's a pretty extreme example and it certainly wouldn't work for me or fit my expectations in a relationship, but every relationship is different and no one has the right to judge.
參考: Sun Gemini Venus Taurus
2013-01-28 2:56 am
Absolutely. When I am given too much space, I don't feel like I am in a relationship any longer... then I feel like I move on if I'm given too much space for awhile. I don't like having that relationship label if I feel like I'm not in a relationship, obviously.

Sag Sun
Capricorn Venus

@blakebymharris... I'm a Sagittarius, although I love space here and there... there is definitely such a thing as too much space. It'll make a Sagittarius want to roam free even more.
2013-01-28 3:26 am
I think that some space can be good but too much can kill a relationship. Venus in Scorpio
2013-01-28 3:45 am
Yea definitely.. If the person calls / meets with you once in a month even though you guys are in the same city.. thats called "giving too much space".. "Too detached" is also what it is called in other words.. While I love a decent amount of space, and I need space.. but too much of space would make me feel like we are not even in a relation or that he doesn't want to be in the relation and I'd push them further away.. It would be annoying.. I wouldn't want him to treat me like a dead person or something

Aquarius venus
2013-01-28 3:09 am
Yeah. I'd call that being too distant. When you do that to your partner, it makes them feel more single than attached. It also gives the impression that you don't care about them, you'd rather be doing something else or you can be without them and not miss them at all. Giving the person space would first just seem like physical space but over time, it creates an emotional distance between the two people which is very detrimental if you want the relationship to last. I think you should only give someone lots of space if they really need it for a very good reason and you think it'd do more good than bad.

Venus in Leo
2013-01-28 3:02 am
lol @eheheh
and i think people should give each other enough space. but also express their love whole heartedly as much as possible.

“They do not love, that do not show their love.”-shakespeare

pisces venus
2013-01-28 4:43 am
No! Everyone needs space but some people need more space than others.

But you cannot have 'true' space until 'trust' is the foundation of the relationship.

Several partners of mine were so filled with doubt that I would be unfaithful to them that they didn't want to give me any space because they thought I would have a 'lover' sneaking in the home the minute my mate went out the door. Mate out the front, lover in the back.

I grew weary of their lack of trust and finally learned that they couldn't trust a woman to be faithful to them because THEY had been unfaithful to all of their partners in their relationships. They couldn't trust their mates because they had always been unfaithful in THEIR relationships.

Just because my mates didn't trust me didn't mean I was unfaithful. But when I needed 'space' it wasn't given. And controlling another person is one of the worst things that we can do to another. Manipulating another person's Free Will creates much new negative karma. And then they will have to work on that life lesson of trusting their mate and their mate's decisions and boundaries over and over again. Lifetime after lifetime.

Space in a relationship. Tough life lesson. To learn to trust your mate when you yourself know that you can't even be trusted. New negative karma. I don't want to be controlled in a relationship and so I cannot be controlling in my relationships too. Karma balances all and Each in their own time. We all learn at our own "speed.'' Timing is everything.

The only time too much space might be problematic is in a long-distance romance. Very high failure rate these 'too far away from each other' relationships. Other than that. No....there isn't such a thing as giving "too much" space in a relationship. Each gets the space that they require. Simple.

Great question as "SPACE" creates big problems in many relationships. Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33 Pisces Venus
2013-01-28 2:58 am
2013-01-28 9:59 am
Not even, coz some peoples idea of giving space isn't usually enough anyway coz they're always ringing or txting or don't stay away for too long. It's annoying.
參考: Pisces venus
2013-01-28 3:05 am
No way man!

Aqua sun
Sag Venus

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