Am I allowed to use my novel during my exam?

2013-01-28 2:27 am
I am about to take my Grade 9 english exam and I have have to write an essay about the Romeo and Juliet book we recently read. I was wondering if i was allowed to use my Romeo and Juliet book during the exam so I can clarify on quotes. Please help.

回答 (5)

2013-01-28 1:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You would probably be allowed to have the PLAY with you, since you will be graded on your own writing, not Shakespeare's. But you should ask the teacher anyway.

Just don't call it a NOVEL when you ask, because the teacher might be tempted to fail you.
2016-10-13 12:50 pm
properly It relies upon upon a while difficulty in accordance to CBSE, many times i got here across That There Are around 30 Questions If The Paper Is of three Hrs. And If The Paper Is of a million:40 5 Hrs. then you particularly'll basically might desire to respond to 18/19 Questions. with the help of how : all the terrific !! :-)
2013-01-28 3:22 am
How are we supposed to know?
2013-01-28 2:30 am
First, you should just bring your book and ask your teacher. Secondly I have never heard of a teacher who would not let you use your book when writing an essay about that book. If the essay is required to have quotes from the book (like a thesis paper) then you will need it. I would definitely bring your book and ask the teacher before you begin.
參考: Personal experience
2013-01-28 2:29 am
You would have to ask the teacher.

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