How to seduce a Scorpio man?

2013-01-27 11:26 pm
Im a libra scorpio venus and cancer moon and i want to know What are a list of something's that would attract a Scorpio man ? When he stares at you , when he touches you out of the blue what does this mean?

回答 (14)

2013-01-28 12:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are becoming knowledgeable about the "Scorpio Stare." I hear this all the time about Scorpios. They have an intense stare that can 'grow' into The Evil Eye. Since you aren't getting that Evil Eye Stare he is probably beginning to be interested in you.

Scorpio is our most observant sign of the zodiac. This is why we notice Scorpios 'eyes' so intently. They are taking everything in that they see. Scorpio misses nothing.

So I believe you are already attracting this Scorpio Male. Here is my advice.

Don't try to seduce him because Scorpio Males are usually too smart to fall for that. AND men like to do the chasing in a relationship so let him be a 'man' and be patient and wait for him to approach YOU.

When females chase males unfortunately most times the female ends up being a booty call and that's not good for us females. We want a man that truly cares for us and doesn't see us as an 'object." So let him make the first move.

Now you can always say 'hi' to him with a sweet smile and leave it at that. I feel you already have his interest but Scorpio doesn't just jump into relationships because they are so mistrusting of others. Scorpio moves slowly unless of course they are just looking for sex. Females are much more worthy and deserving of true love than to 'settle' for an occasional booty call. So be patient and you need to move slowly too.

Here are a few tips (though not to seduce) to attract a Scorpio Male.

They greatly dislike being asked personal questions so don't ask any.
Don't flirt with other guys in front of him as this lets him know you are interested in him.
Don't talk too much as it drives them nuts.
Don't talk too loud because Scorpio doesn't want anyone to know what he is saying to you.
Don't worry about 'awkward' silences because Scorpio is comfortable without conversation. They are deep souls.
When he touches you just look him in the eyes and smile sweetly with a little shyness. This way he knows that you like his touch.

Since you are a Libra you probably have a friendly nature. Libras love being in love so don't expect things to move quickly because you are waiting for him to trust you. So don't gossip about others and again, become comfortable just being around him. Words are unnecessary for Scorpio. They distrust those that talk too much and again, ask personal questions.

And if his Scorpio Sun (nature) and your Scorpio Venus (love) are close in degree he could become very attracted to you and 'orbit' around you. This is a great aspect for compatibility.

Lastly, don't seduce men because really you are more worthy than that. When you find a mate that only wants what is best for you and you only want what is best for your mate then you have found true love. And Scorpios are usually loyal mates....once they know you really love them too.

Hope this is helpful and don't chase men so they can enjoy the 'chase.' They feel like they really 'earn' your love too when they are the one that 'caught' your heart. Be watchful that your Scorpio Male doesn't try to isolate you from friends and family or tries to control you. Those Scorpios are the ones that you do not want or need. Be strong and confident because confidence is sexy.

Good luck and bless you and I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-01-28 1:10 am
With scorpio I don't think you can really seduce them.... Maybe in the bedroom if you ever get lucky::))!
Hehehe... Lolololol! But, in all seriousness, you need to be yourself, classy, caring, giving, affectionate, honest, smart, sexy, sensual, educated, financially secured and the list goes on, and you'll see he will be coming running!

Be aloof at times but with a tad of clyngingness!!!
參考: Anick
2016-12-21 9:03 am
參考: Conquer Women Hearts
2016-12-15 3:22 am
What Attracts Scorpio Men
2016-05-21 10:30 am
If you want a boyfriend so bad, then I highly recommend following this Since you've never dated or been kissed before, it's going to be hard to get a boyfriend if you don't know what to do but once you know what to do, you'll be able to get a boyfriend pretty easily and can share your dating stories with your friends and experience those feelings yourself. You'll even be able to attract guys you might feel is out of your league. I suggest going on a bunch of dates before choosing one guy to be your boyfriend. Have fun.
2016-04-23 11:12 pm
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2015-08-19 8:39 am
This Site Might Help You.

How to seduce a Scorpio man?
Im a libra scorpio venus and cancer moon and i want to know What are a list of something's that would attract a Scorpio man ? When he stares at you , when he touches you out of the blue what does this mean?
參考: seduce scorpio man:
2015-03-30 7:00 am
Scorpio is the most private birth sign of the zodiac. Even if you think you know them, they still have layers and layers of mystery about them. They're not usually selfish or heartless and they're exceptional listeners with memories to match! Scorpios make great dates and boyfriends, if those are qualities you admire
2014-09-01 3:11 pm
If you aren't a natural born latin lover you might think that for you it's impossible to attract sexy and beautiful girls. I do think that with the right strategies and techniques you can really seduce almost any girls. Check out this program I found
It helped me a lot.
Follow these strategies and techniques and you'll be able to seduce almost any girls You might think it's impossible but it worked for me and I'm sure it can help you as well.
Good Bye
2013-01-29 9:50 am
If he stares at you he is probably interested in you. It's almost always guaranteed.

Wear black, stare back giving sultry, sexual vibes, and try to appear mysterious. Avoid flirting in a lighthearted manner. Since you have Venus in Scorpio this stuff should come naturally.

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