For those opposed to allowing lgbt to marry...?

2013-01-27 8:22 pm
I always hear that it will damage marriage. In what way will lgbt to marry have a negative impact on your specific marriage? Not marriage as a whole. Your specific marriage. Aren't those that have married three, four, five times or more more damaging to the inisitution than someone like, say Ellen and Portia, or Elton and his partner.? Does the fact that Ellen and Portia marry make you love your wife or husband any less?

回答 (6)

2013-01-29 3:48 am
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Well, God doesn't seem to care about marriage as much as these sanctimonious half-wits do.

• God approves of forcing slaves to marry slaves → "If his master have given him a wife, and she have born him sons or daughters; the wife and her children shall be her master's, and he shall go out by himself." - Exodus 21:4

• God wants soldiers to marry POWs → "And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife" - Deuteronomy 21:11-14

• God likes when rapists marry their victims → "If a man rapes an unbetrothed virgin, he must pay her father 50 shekels of silver and then marry her." - Deuteronomy 22:28-29

• God is totally okay with father-daughter incest (RIGHT after the destruction of Sodom, by the way) → "Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father." - Genesis 19:36

• God is okay with His soldiers defiling the sanctity of marriage via raping the wives of enemies. → "God will kill men, have their children smashed, and have their wives raped." - Isaiah 13:15-16

In fact, his glorified piece of fan fiction doesn't insist on marriage being strictly between a man and a woman.

Some examples of polygamists from the Bible (and the number of wives they took):

• Jacob: 2
• Esau: 3
• Abijah: 14
• David: Too many to count

Oh, and let's not forget concubines:

• Jacob :1
• Abraham: 2
• Caleb: 2
• Solomon: 300

Bottom line: this "marriage is between a man and a woman" rhetoric is just homophobia under the guise of religion. Most Christians would realize that the crap they spew is just that, had they only read their holy book.
2013-01-27 8:25 pm
It has no impact. I put a question in the local paper "why shouldn't gay people be permitted to marry? Any response that quotes the bible isn't valid as your bible has nothing to do with laws". I got two responses, one was "I don't need the bible to tell you why gay marriage is wrong, but my bible says..." and the other response was a direct quote from the bible. The funny thing was that the guy thought he was quoting the NT when he was actually quoting the OT. Never assume atheists don't read the bible.
2013-01-27 8:24 pm
everyone has the right to marry and be happy
2013-01-27 8:33 pm
There's just a lot of trolls out there that don't like different. I just hope that in march the supreme court does say its time to gut DOMA. If they do Doma will be gutten officially in June.
2013-01-27 8:26 pm
This would be best posted in the Religious or a family section.
2013-01-27 8:31 pm
Lets see, how a bout the devaluation of human life?. Elton and his " partner" just used their " civil union" as an excuse to buy another human being. He BOUGHT a little boy from a single mother in California.

nobody else is allowed to buy children. as a matter of fact most countries have laws against just that crime.

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