Aust. working hoilday.

2013-01-26 11:46 pm
幾多日內要去體檢? 我過左1個月仲未去...有問題嗎??
另, 我上去官方網check番個a/c, 又冇話批唔批定過期.
咁可以點??? help!!!

回答 (2)

2013-01-27 7:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you must complete your health examination within 28 days

If you are unable to complete your health examinations within this period,
you must contact the Working Holiday Visa Processing Centre
and provide reasons as to why you are unable to do so.
2013-01-27 5:23 am
u may~
google Aust. working holiday official website online service ,
to see if there's any overseas office settled in HK,
get the contact phone number or email,
then , give them a direct call to ask for their help ,
that will be the most efficient way for your emergent question~

bless u


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