Why do I have so many Scorpio traits, am attracted to and get along so well with Scorpios when...?

2013-01-26 5:15 am
..I have only one placement in Scorpio and my chart is Air dominant?
Chart; http://s1341.beta.photobucket.com/user/leo-chica/media/xbirthchart_zps9a20d73e.jpg.html

回答 (5)

2013-01-26 5:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
I do agree that you don't have strong Scorpio placements in your chart but you do have one which is Pluto in Scorpio. Pluto is what many call a 'generational' planet because most of our peer group shares the same Sign of Pluto. Therefore your 'age-group' friends all 'share' this Pluto in Scorpio which is one reason that I believe hints as to why you are 'feeling' so filled with Scorpio Energy.

Plus your Pluto is conjunct your Midheaven though it has a ten degree orb, which is rather wide, but I wouldn't discount this aspect because our Midheaven is how we are seen by the public and having Pluto strongly placed near your Midheaven does increase the possibility that you are 'seen' as Scorpio to others and even you feel that Scorpio Energy. I believe this is due (once more) to your Pluto in Scorpio conjunct your Midheaven.

I just noticed that you have Jupiter in the 8th House which is Scorpio's Natural House and Jupiter is 'abundance' and often 'lucky' too...so this placement of Jupiter in Scorpio's House could also be another reason why you are feeling like a Scorpio. Jupiter in the 8th often denotes inheritances or good fortune for you regarding other people's money. Sex is also 8th House ruled and it is more about 'who inherits' than the sex act itself which is more about Mars. With Jupiter occupying this house there could be advantageous financial 'circumstances' toward you and even your children as your children will be YOUR heir(s) which is again an 8th House 'Scorpio Thing.'

Had to really think on this one but hope something 'rings true' for you as I hope this helps explain your strong feelings of Scorpio Energy. Good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-01-26 5:35 am
wow... nice rant !!! =p

to answer the question i think it's the Scorpio Pluto being in the sign in which it rules that has an effect people in that generation. I have sister and brother who with Pluto in Scorpio. i think they are the same way.

my sister has Jupiter and Pluto in Scorpio. my brother has Ascendent and Pluto

btw we both have Mercury trine Pluto but the signs are different (Aquarius mercury/ Libra Pluto in my case)
2013-01-26 5:17 am
im the same way i also have a few scorpio traits ...,,and my best friends are scorpio ..

by the way i knew you were a leo sexy...you have nice eyes and hair ...and you surprisingly have the same shape eyes as my gf and the same nice thick hair shes leo also

it can be your cancer mercury you communicate and talk like a water sign
2013-01-26 5:16 am
Because astrology is made up and is not real? Grow up and quit pretending that the position of the Earth and Sun has any bearing on your relationship or attitude.
2013-01-26 5:21 am
Why do you say that.. Like you get along with scorpios and have many traits? Ohh and put that ***** on the bottom aside, he aint running ****.
參考: I have: Venus RX 16° Jupiter 19° Pluto 26° Scorpio (:

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