10 points what are some good aspects in this chart trine ect...?

2013-01-26 4:19 am

回答 (1)

2013-01-26 5:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's pretty tough to beat your Sun Trine Moon aspect so that's an especially good trine that you earned in a previous lifetime(s) and in this lifetime you can enjoy having a strong fun nature (Leo Sun) that 'works' well with your emotions (Sag Moon).

You have Sun Trine Ascendant which is also a karmic reward earned in a previous lifetime in which your nature (sun) 'works' well with your personality (rising). So your Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign are very compatible which is a good thing.

Your Mercury (how we think, speak, communicate) is trine Mars, Uranus and Neptune so this gives you strong thought processes as Mercury trine Mars gives one a strong ability to communicate, Mercury trine Uranus gives one a very quick mind, and Mercury trine Neptune gives one an ability to understand otherworldly types of thought such as understanding metaphysical ideas and a strong creative ability too.

Just look at the grid underneath your natal chart and look for the trine aspects represented by a blue triangle and know that these are all karmic rewards for things done well in a former lifetime(s). Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33

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