On which type of boundary do the smallest and shallowest earthquakes occur?

2013-01-26 1:07 am
On which type of boundary do the smallest and shallowest earthquakes occur? why do you think this might be?

回答 (2)

2013-01-26 4:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is an easy answer. There are three types of boundaries that can create earthquakes. Convergent which involves a great amount of pressure. Then you have transform boundaries like the San Andreas fault. Now these are not compressive forces but a build up of pressure as the plates sliding past each other get locked up until they release. The last is your answer. Divergent boundaries like at a mid-ocean ridge. The plates are moving away from each other so there is no great build up of stress. There is still the movement of plates but they tend to be small forces and near the surface. So, Divergent plate boundaries is your answer.
2017-03-01 1:30 am
The earth is made from many plates. no longer the plates you devour on yet, VERY super products of superb rock..! think of of putting grahm crackers over warm oatmeal. They slowly pass. in basic terms like the plates that make up the earth. The earth is nearly a jig-observed puzzle. The products of rock pass and in specific cases they get caught collectively. whilst there is too plenty tension, growth!!! An earthquake!!! The vibrations and sounds of this experience commute by the floor, and reason the floor to rumble,rock, and shake!!! babies take place aroundd the international ordinary. massive ones take place approximately as quickly as each and every a million-2 weeks. The deeper the earthquakes take place the fewer the floor shakes. Faults are cracks interior the earth that divide to a lot of rock and those rocks pass against eachother. whilst they get finally snap and launch all that capability, theres an earthquake. try rubbing to bricks collectively, slowly. WHat occurs??? It snaps!!! Or snap your hands. Your center finger and your thumb are products of rock and the crack that seperates them is the fault. The snap is the earthquake, methaphorically conversing. So there you have it!!!

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