the length of all the convergent plate boundaries and all the divergent plate boundaries , are they equal?

2013-01-26 1:05 am
if you add up the length of al of the convergent plate boundaries and all the divergent plate boundaries are they approximately equal? would you expect them to be? explain.

回答 (3)

2013-01-27 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes divergent, convergent and transform boundaries share about the same percentage of influence. 33.3%- 33.3%- 33.3%
2016-08-09 4:28 pm
It is a nuclear fusion (as answered with the aid of the good, i hope, Christian Fluffy). It generates power from the nuclear fusion of the hydrogen (deuterium and tritium to be particular) as it turns into helium. This is adopted through helium fusion that creates carbon. Hydrogen makes up about ninety% of the solar's volume (roughly 70-74% of its mass). As it progressively loses it's hydrogen it is going to begin to take the form of a pink massive famous person. It'll then soak up the world and it'll lead to the apocalypse. This is foretold within the bible. There's honestly extra to the answer, however that must suffice. The more accurate answer nonetheless is that God is created the sun to give off vigor. We, as Christian scientists, decided to name the factors to provide order to everything. The credit will have to go to God. It's fundamental to note that quite a lot of Physicists have been definitely very religious and applied this mind-set as they have been making their discoveries of God's world.
2013-01-26 10:03 pm
I tried to do some research for you but the best I did was to analyze maps showing the 3 types of boundaries. If you look at then you get the impression that they do seem similar but it is really hard to tell.
Now a better way to look at this is to ask what would happen if the amount of converging material were different from the amount of diverging material. Wouldn't the planet begin to change size/diameter? We also have to think about plate speed. Not all plates move at the same speed. So even if the length of the plates was the same the amount of earth crust lost or gained at each plate boundary would be different.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 00:12:34
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