How do i explain to a saggi?

2013-01-26 12:31 am
I dont like this saggi and she is like everything the opposite of me i want to tell her i dont wanna be friends and how i feel about her. I h8 her guts. Tell me step by step of what should i do. Im a virgo.

回答 (3)

2013-01-26 1:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Here is some advice that I wish someone had shared with me when I was young.

When you treat someone in a way that you wouldn't want to be treated, you are making new negative karma. Karma is 'what goes around comes around.'

When we treat someone unkindly then we will be treated unkindly by another at some point in the future.

Since you dislike this girl I suggest that you avoid her. Don't tell her off or why you don't like her. Just take The High Road and leave her alone. The High Road never lets us down and even better, never creates any new negative karma either.

For every action there is always a reaction. So when we do something that is mean to another person we are guaranteeing that we will be treated unkindly by another in the future. That's one big reason to leave this Sag Girl alone.

Virgos usually have an unemotional nature so you might not fully understand that most people don't like to be criticized....and Sag happens to be one of them. Sag has strong opinions and like to think that they are rich with knowledge while we all truly know that nobody knows everything. Sag just hasn't been informed yet.

I have plenty of Sag in me and I was quite loud and a 'know-it-all' during adolescence especially. It sounds like this Sag Girl is similar to me. And there are many things I wish I hadn't done back in the day. That was before I learned about karma and that the mean things that I do to another will always eventually happen to me.....and most often it is from a different person than the one that I mistreated.

So this is a no-win situation. Please just see if you can avoid being hateful to this girl so you won't eventually be treated the same way. Always remember that karma balances everything and you don't even have to lift a finger. Karma is fair. I love karma.

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too. I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-01-26 9:01 am
lol ... well thats kinda rude.. you hate her?

you probably dont like her because she is a saggi and they are very blunt individuals.. obviously you cant take the heat.. you should just tell her to lay off..
i know your virgo feelings get hurt very easily..
參考: lol
2013-01-26 8:32 am
Realize that Human beings fight. There is no such thing as a *sign* hun.

My Sign is Hero the powerful horse.

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