Would having Neptune in the 11th House show someone who is delusional through making friendships?

2013-01-25 10:12 pm
Because Neptune is about illusion and the Eleventh House is of friendships.

Would having Neptune in this house show someone who is an idealist towards making friends; creating an ideal persona of someone only to find there is more to that person than they sought - therefore becoming disappointed ... isolated ... distant from everybody else; sooner or later becoming a loner.

What placements would you look at in a chart to find how someone would view people/animals through making friends? Are there certain placements that would show someone is prone to almost lacking the ability of making friends in a practical way?

回答 (10)

2013-01-25 10:52 pm
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How your Neptune is aspected by the other planets will give you the information that you desire. Neptune is our planet of spirituality and creativity. Neptune 'veils' reality and can 'make' us see something that isn't even actually 'there.'

So Neptune is positively compassionate and caring but negatively a deceiver and a liar too.

Neptune is like an 'onion' in the way that you can 'peel' off a layer only to find another 'peel' underneath that etc... We always have to really ask ourself "Is what I am seeing/feeling/hearing the real truth here or I am I only seeing one 'layer' of Neptune Energy?"

So having Neptune in the 11th could positively find you surrounded by friends through some type of group or organization or negatively find you searching for friends from the 'wrong' groups of people that surround you. Neptune can really throw the delusions 'out there' so learning to choose the RIGHT kind of group that will support and care for you is probably one of your life lessons in this lifetime.

Wherever we have Neptune in our chart tells us where we are going to have some problems seeing people as they really 'are' instead of 'believing' they 'are' what they actually 'are not." Watching others behavior is the only way I know that really works when choosing friends.

People can tell you anything because it's easy to say anything whether it is true or false. This problem is intensified wherever Neptune lies in your chart. This is where you must watch another's behavior because that is the only way to reveal their true character. The answers are always in another person's ACTIONS and not their WORDS. Big life lesson of Neptune.

So your 11th House Neptune can open up many groups in which the potential for making true friends is possible. But because of your Neptune Energy you musn't believe what others 'say' and instead watch their actions. The true character of another is in their behavior. Not their words.

I know I am repeating this but really it is so important for us to 'draw' others to us that make our social life filled with activities and the love of a friend is important part of life.

If you have one real friend you are rich. So don't look for 'quantity' when looking for a friend. Instead look for 'quality.' And only base a friendship on their behavior so you get a friend of good character.

And don't be a loner because you can help many with this Neptune placement. Try to join groups that help others and you will find plenty of friends available at these groups that help others. Neptune can give great comfort and compassion to others. Just make sure they are really of good character by watching their behavior as behavior speaks volumes about ones character.

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you and I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33
2013-01-26 2:44 am
Neptune is this:
It is our need to be "less" ourselves. By focusing more on others than ourselves, we become empathetic and compassionate. We also run the risk of losing a firm grip on who we ourselves are.
Neptune is our unconscious mind. The source of our gut feelings, our intuition .. and our "issues" and addictive behaviors.
Neptune, therefore, has both positive and negative sides to it.
In order to know which side predominates in a given person, you have to look at any/all aspects that other planets make to Neptune. The more the aspects are harmonious sextiles and trines, the more the person uses the positive side. The more the aspects are discordant squares and opposites, the more the persons uses the negative side.

However, the chart is only an influence .. and only as much of an influence as you allow it to be. The more self-aware and self-determining a person is, the less of an influence their chart has on them.

As for Neptune in the 11th house, I have only sextiles and trines to my 11th-house Neptune. Despite living in many cities throughout my life, I have had loyal and true friends, and have never had a friend betray me or do me wrong. Perhaps it is my ability to sense those people I need to be avoiding .. not being friends with. Perhaps it is the strong empathy for my friends, and the caring that arises from that empathy .. that makes my friends treat me so well.

As for becoming a longer .. that is a Pluto influence, not a Neptune influence. Perhaps an inability to make friends might also come from a strong badly-aspected Saturn, which gives self-doubt and shyness.
2013-01-26 6:36 pm
Not at all because I have Neptune in Capricorn in the 11th House (Capricorn ruling that one in my natal chart) and I have been disappointed only once by a Leo guy who tried to turn people against me (and partially succeeded) because I've known years later that he was jealous of me to the point of going home and asking his mother why he could be like me, why couldn't he grow like me (I grew fast as a kid) and his mother once told mine that he was losing friends because of what he was becoming. But we were only in 5th grade when it happened.
2013-01-26 2:20 pm
11th house is not friendships but the network of friendships. it's not personal but universal / collective.

badly aspected neptune there can make you a pessimist / nihilist and a loner too naturally. you would think people just generally sucks, they are evil, they will never understand and that kind of emo stuff.

nicely aspected neptune and the complete opposite: you would be ready to help "any" person, you would be an idealist and optimist, you would truly believe and enjoy merging with people around a noble / altruistic idea, etc.

neptune's best = devotion
neptune's worst = avoidance
All i can say is i am too lenient and accomodating, after a while i feel ripped off. I think its hard for me to accept someone isnt an ideal friend, but hopefully I can let go of them. i agree with amythyst, we need to join in groups, group life is ideal for us. If we dont feel a part of a group we feel left out. I was thinking of forming my own group, but i spose i should just find one and observe its dynamics. On the whole though, i think we are good people to have around :)
2013-01-25 10:56 pm
Not really. Just think of it this way: if it's not an afflicted planet then Neptunes energy would be channeled more positively. Positive traits of Neptune are: acceptance, compassion, creativity, idealistic, & kindness. Negative traits are: deception, illusion, secrets, drug abuse & hyper sensitivity.

So keeping that in mind & looking at an interpretation of it..
2013-01-25 10:59 pm
No, because astrology is a scam.
2016-11-10 5:29 pm
Neptune In 11th House
2016-03-10 10:37 am
I have neptune in the 9th house, along with my moon and uranus (all in capricorn).To my understanding the 9th house deals with religion, philosophy, higher education, and maybe long-distance travel. Religion/Philosophy: I am somewhat religious, but I think that I am more philosophical. I like to contemplate the meaning of life and why things are the way they are frequently. I do write some poems whenever I am in the mood. I do believe that there is a God. I do believe in karma and reincarnation (long story short; I'm hindu). I also do believe that everything happens for some reason due to karma and past life. Higher education: I'm not sure if this means college/university or spiritual. Anyway, I feel that it is important to go to college, not for the money/jobs, but just to learn. In school people always think I'm weird because I just like learning about different subjects, actually all of them. I personally think that knowing more gives a person a broader horizon and therefore an open mind. Long-distance travel: I like to see different cultures and different places. So far I've been to: India, Dubai, and Indonesia. I really want to go to China, Africa and Europe. I actually want to see the entire world, but I have no idea if that would be possible, lol
2014-07-17 1:04 pm
In Jyotisha the eleventh house brings great happiness and is the most important house. Having Neptune there could mean that the native would derive great happiness from performing at concerts or being a concert master or conductor?

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