What does it mean to have Mercury/Mars in 11th house?

2013-01-25 8:06 pm

回答 (1)

2013-01-29 7:05 pm
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Mercury is how we communicate and Mars is how we fight and our sexual desire too. The 11th House rules groups and organizations to better mankind and our future goals too.

If your Mercury and Mars are close in degree then they are conjunct which means that Mercury and Mars "blend" their energy together. Since Mercury is how we think and speak and Mars is our 'little warrior' in us this would tend to give one a feisty way of expressing themselves.

There could also be an argumentative streak with these placements. This also would tend to give one a quick mind and an ability to be a quick study too.

I suggest that you check to see how Mercury and Mars are aspected from the other planets as this changes (for better or worse) the energy of these two planets. How planets interact with each other is important information when interpreting charts.

For example if your Mercury and Mars are square Uranus (planet of abrupt change/rebellious) this could give you a very quick mind which a quick temper too as Uranus dislikes boredom big time. See how one planet can change the energy of another? This is how we interpret the planets by looking at how they interact with each other. Aspects can change the energy of how a planet "normally" works.

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too. I wish you well.
參考: Amethyst33

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