do capricorns prefer hard to get girls?

2013-01-25 6:49 pm
so i like this capricorn guy, and i started the first 2 conversations with him, iv made it clear i like him and he seems like he likes me, iv heard he always asks about me, atm we're taking it in turns to starts conversations, but i hate it, im used to guys chasing me, being more dominent and taking the lead, i feel like im chasing him and seeming needy, i invited him over first and made all the moves, even though he says he wants to see me, and acts really friendly i dont feel like he means it, would all this turn him off? should i just give now?

回答 (6)

2013-01-25 7:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Capricorn Males aren't the easiest to 'get' due to several things. They have a great dislike of showing emotion and so this does make getting and then having a relationship with a Capricorn rather difficult. However, if you don't make some type of 'move' to let him know that you really like him, he probably wouldn't even notice. That is how most Caps operate in relationships.

Capricorns have a fear of rejection too and this also makes them rather 'slow' when it comes to 'getting the girl.' They are rather picky about their partner because their partner 'represents' their success in life along with the nice house, nice car, and nice wife and family. So Capricorn is choosy and can take a very long time letting a girl know that he likes her. This sounds like your guy.

And he acts friendly because really that is the best that he can do right now. And I do feel that he 'means' it but he has a problem with showing emotion. So it does make it awkward for a girl that desires a Capricorn Male. If Cap only realized that emotions are healthy and not something to fear they would be much easier to 'catch.' When you see emotion as a negative thing it does make it rather tough to have a relationship. So just knowing that he has a problem expressing himself emotionally will make you feel better because you are doing all you can do right now and Capricorn will eventually 'man up' and ask you out, or at least begin having conversations with you.

And if you were 'turning him off' you would know it. You don't mention your sign but it sounds like you don't have fear of connecting with another while this is Capricorn's toughest area in life. Falling in love.

So be patient and don't try to hurry things along because Capricorns have much patience. Give it some time because Capricorns move slowly, especially in love. So hang in there until you KNOW how he feels. This can take quite a while too. Again, be patient.

Hope this is helpful to you and good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33
2016-09-17 2:52 pm
I have no idea what to say
2016-03-10 10:25 am
It depends on the person rather than his star
2013-01-25 7:02 pm
If you mean hard to get as in sex than no...I get straight to the point, lol either they like it or don' since you're talking about liking and going out with u and I saw u playing those games I'll kick you to the curve so again no.. ^_^

I had a couple of girls stop talking to me cause I told them I don't want anything serious I just want to have sex with girls lol..

So umm just keep doing what you're doing give him signs that u want to date him or something
參考: Capricorn
2013-01-25 7:01 pm
Astrologically speaking, he's probably just oblivious.
Capricorns aren't very good at showing their affections and they really need to get to know someone before they feel they can trust him.
And with him being and earth sign AND a guy, you're going to have to spell out clearly what you want from him. Subtle signals aren't going to work here.
But if he's taking time to spend time with you, or he's doing favors for you, then he probably cares about you. Earth signs show affection through their actions.
2013-01-25 6:53 pm
There is nothing scientific about astronomy and you shouldn't use it to make life or relationship decisions. People who actually think there is truth in it just don't understand how the cosmos work. If you are interested in him then pursue him, if he is interested he will bite

ITT: People buying into the mass cultural delusion that the suns apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birth somehow effects your personality...
參考: ASTROLOGY major

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