Whats the difference? ?

2013-01-25 6:08 pm
I have sag moon and rising and leo sun.i have sun trine moon what the difference from from having your sun trine your rising?

回答 (1)

2013-01-25 10:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your Sun is your Nature. Your Moon is your Emotions. Your Rising is your Personality, Personal Appearance, and First Impression Made.

So your fiery Leo Sun (nature) and your fiery Sag Moon (emotions) work well together. Your Leo Nature "merges" well with your Sag Moon (emotions).

Your Leo Sun (nature) also trines your Sag Rising (personality, personal appearance, and first impression) so your Leo Nature and your Sag Rising also "merge" well.

With a Leo Sun I imagine you are quite particular about your personal appearance and with the easy, flowing trine aspect from your Sag Rising this tells me that you are well "put-together" (Leo) and that you might even have a rather good-looking 'rugged' personal appearance as Sag Rising often love the outdoors, really just about anywhere that they feel "free."

I also imagine that you have a natural ability to talk with others especially when first meeting them as Sag Rising is often rather 'loud' and isn't afraid to speak their mind.

So the Sun trine your Moon signifies that your nature and your emotions work well together.

And the Sun trine your Rising signifies that your nature and your personality work well together too.

However there are times when you might feel 'awkward' when meeting others because of your Moon's strong position in the 1st House. I imagine that sometimes you wear your heart on your sleeve but your Leo Nature probably isn't too happy about that as Leo only wants to 'show' their ;best side.' And Sag Moon is generally optimistic which allows you to 'bounce back' after any type of sadness as Sag is ruled by Jupiter, our 'lucky' planet.

So I imagine there are times when you 'show' more emotion that you would prefer. However, your strong will of Leo probably doesn't 'allow' that often and Leos are pretty darn good at avoiding 'showing' any emotion, again, because they always want their 'best foot forward.'

Hope this is helpful and good luck and bless you too.
參考: Amethyst33

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