
2013-01-26 7:59 am
1.一人騎腳踏車以10m/s的速度前進 當其進入水平彎路後車申傾斜一角度 若彎路之曲率半徑為20米 則車身與鉛直方向所成之角度為西搭 若g=10m/s平方 tan西搭為何

2.承上題 車輪與路面摩擦係數最小須為多少

1.mgtan西搭=m*v平方R tan西搭=V平方/gR =10平方/10*20 =1/2 2.f=mgtan西搭<=usmg us>=tan西搭=1/2 u最小為1/2

回答 (1)

2013-01-26 8:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Let R be the normal reaction, and Ff be the frictional force on the bicycle tyre
For vertical equilibrium, R = mg where m is the mass of the bicycler and its rider

Take moment about the centre of mass of the bicycle and its rider
R.[h.sin(theta)] = Ff[h.cos(theta)]
where h is the height of the centre of mass above ground.
hence, mg.sin(theta) = Ff.cos(theta)
But Ff provides for the centripetal force for the bicycle to turn the corner
hence, Ff = m(10^2)/20

Therefore, mg.sin(theta) = [m(10^2)/20].cos(theta)
tan(theta) = 10^2/20g = 0.5
(theta) = 26.6 degrees

2. Ff = u.R where u is the coefficient of friction
Hence, u.R = m(10^2)/20
u.(mg) = m(10^2)/20
u = 10^2/20g = 0.5

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