An article of newspaper ????

2013-01-26 1:02 am
I don't understand below sentance from an article of newspaper. What is the meaning of "should " in the sentance? What is the grammatical structure of the sentence? Thank you very much.

Lew said that at the end of June last year, just before he took office, he advised Leung to identify the three professionals should the pan-democrats keep harping on the issue.

回答 (2)

2013-01-26 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Lew said that at the end of June last year,
just before he took office,
he advised Leung to identify the three professionals
should the pan-democrats keep harping on the issue.


你問的should 意思 「假如」pan-democtate(泛民派人) keep (持續) harping (重提)...意思如同if,但用should是指不確定的假設和用預計的角度來講。在所有危機處理或考慮可能發生事故的對應方案寫法都會用should(if) X happens, take action A;should(if) action A fails, take action B...



...he advised Leung that should pan-democrats keep harping on the issue, he should (ought to) identify (give out the identity of ) the three professionals.

2013-01-28 4:48 am


Should it rain tomorrow, I should stay at home. = If it should rain tomorrow...

Were I a king, I should not be able to do it.= If I were a king,.....

Had I known your address, I should have written to you.
= If I had known your address......

所以,你所引的句子,其意思是:......he advised Leung to identify the three professionals if the pan-democrats should keep harping on the issue.



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