motorola xt316

2013-01-25 9:25 pm
我部motorola xt316開唔到機,求解決方法! (20點)


回答 (1)

2013-01-26 6:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你沒root過機刷rom之類,做hard reset可以解決軟件問題。

Press and hold the volume up + volume down the power button

A text will appear on the screen as "enter recovery mode".

Wait some few seconds and the recovery menu will appear ,

Then select wipe and restore phone to factory.

To navigate between the options Use the volume up and volume down to select and use the enter key.

2013-01-30 21:49:17 補充:
熄機先,同時按住“音量+”同埋“音量-”,不要放松,再按開機,入唔入到recovery mode?

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 00:17:20
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