Do you believe in the law of attraction?

2013-01-24 12:38 pm

Law of attraction - You attract what you think.Your thoughts create your own reality,you are not any less of God than God himself (the universe or an energy source depending on the definition) therefore you are powerful enough to be/do whatever you want if you so wish and visualize it.Your thoughts have to be alined with your emotions though,just visualizing is not enough,you have to visualize and believe.That`s the principle

回答 (7)

2013-01-24 3:46 pm
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Hello Mr. Brown! When you use the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires into your reality, you should also keep in mind that the how and the when are irrelevant. The universe delivers at the right time and the right moment for you so there is no reason for you to be frustrated and focus on the lack of that which you want.

The best thing for you to do is to keep on feeling the feeling of already having what you want that when the universe delivers what you want to you, you are no longer surprised because you have already enjoyed it and lived it in your imagination. Doubting or focusing on the lack of it will prevent it from coming.

You are not that smart to know the best time for your desire to manifest into your reality. But there is a method to know which desire is in line for you and is the best for you. Here it is: When you think of what you desire, you must feel really, really good. Use your emotions as your guide for there are your built-in guidance system.

Keep in mind that at the right time and at the right moment, if you have a high belief, the universe will deliver that which you desire to you. And how should that make you feel? It should make you feel really good.
參考: You can check this page if you would like to start manifesting your desires, they do provide good insights on how you can use the Law of Attraction on your own advantage.
2013-01-25 9:22 am
You will reap what you sow!
2013-01-24 1:12 pm
Law of attraction is real it is one of the seven major laws that the 7 dimensions are based it does not makes you god when you think of something you are not asking for it by your own mouth but when you think of it then your mind is praying and asking for it from god and if you want to know more about law of attraction then join this workshop of Prof.Moiz hussain which is called 4th Dimension.
參考: I am a psychorientologist and Parapsychologist a hypnotherapist and Mind scientist.
2016-03-10 9:06 am
Certainly do. With the Law of Attraction, you attract into your life what you think and believe most. Your habitual thoughts create your most frequently-occurring realities, but these are quite often very unconsious, so you generally aren't aware of them. What I find useful is a thoughtforming practice which you can do every day for a period of time. Take a particular thought in the present tense; something you would like to believe, or something you would like to happen. Then imprint this belief by repeating it 1000 times a day for 100 days. Nothing much will happen for the first couple of days, but that is because you are still 'preparing the way' in your mind, and working through your doubts and contradictory thoughts. Once 51% of your thoughts are upon the thing you would like to happen (rather than the absence of it) then reality will start to match up. This 'tipping point' generally happens after about 3-4 days, and from then on, you start to build up a kind of psychic 'momentum' in which synchronicities, and things relevant to your thought, start happening. These are there to pave the way for your thought to become your reality, or your desire to come to you. This works for everyone, but most if us aren't disciplined enough in our thoughts to allow this to happen. With the LOA, you get success, and changes in reality, with consistent practice. It's not just a case of thinking a few thoughts and then $1 million drops into your lap, because there are usuallya lot of contradictory doubts in the way first. But with practice of a new belief, thought or visualisation practice, you build up the momentum, the new material becomes subconsciously registered, and the thing comes to you. Give it a try. New belief, 1000 repetitions a day, for 100 days.
2014-04-01 11:55 am
Before going to astrologer its better to release your negativity. It may help you to get real effects .. I liked one Indian site .you can buy a project file from them & see a change within 30 days. I liked & my life is far better now.or
2013-01-24 12:40 pm
Wtf is the law of attraction.
2013-01-24 12:39 pm

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