
2013-01-24 9:15 pm
想問midtown 和 downtown 的分別意思,在字典查的意思又像差不多, 但是在書裡又明顯分別有句是,midtown area list and downtown area list.請問其用法的分別?

回答 (4)

2013-01-25 10:20 am
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(noun, adjective, adverb) American English 市中心區, (尤指鬧市商業區)
- the centre of a city or town, especially the business and the shopping area where there are tall buildings, stores, offices etc.

We stayed at the hotel in the heart of downtown last summer.
(downtown ~ noun)

We met at a downtown restaurant yesterday.
(downtown ~ adjective)

I need to go downtown and get some stuff for the party.
(downtown ~ adverb)

(noun, adjective , adverb) American English 市中間地區 (商業區和住宅區的中間地區)
- the part of a city that is between central business area (downtown) and the outer parts (uptown).

(noun, adjective, adverb) [大多數是住宅區]
- the upper part of a city or town, that are away from the centre, especially the one where the streets have large numbers in their names.

If you go uptown, or go to a place uptown, you go away from the centre of a city or town towards the edge.
參考: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
2013-01-26 1:09 am


mid-town是指市內(如美國紐約曼克頓的mid-town是central park一帶或者中國大城市三環至六環之間的區域都可以叫mid-town),按行車時間的話半小時內。

找一下madonna有首up-town girl裏面的歌詞便說一個uptown gril遇上一個downtown man.
2013-01-25 9:25 pm
2013-01-24 11:27 pm
(1)down town is in or towards the centre of a city,especially its main business area:-eg to work downtown,not in shed-area near New York.
(2)mid-town is the part of a city that is between the central business area and the outer parts,eg:-mid-town Manhattan is mid-way between two places;the Manhattan and the out-lying areas.

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