常見診斷之病歷翻譯 (急)

2013-01-25 3:53 am
According to the statements of the patiens’s caregiver and the old medical record. this is 77year-old male with a history of HTN and COPD, L-Spine DJD change under medical control. He performed well daily life before and was able to walk well.

In this early morning. he wakes up to the toilet but sudden onset of weakness occurs And the patient falls down .resulted in multiple abrasion wound over the left side.Frontal area and lower limbs. There’s no loss of consciousness but he can not stand up anymore. He wants to crawl to the phone but he cant not do it. so he sleep on the ground until sunrise. Then he sent to ER for help.

At arrival the patlent presents with acute ill-looking and PE reveals alert and
oriented Consciousness bilateral normal pupil size. Normal light reflex and normal EOM without nystagmus.There’s left side hemiparesis. In addition. wheezing breathing sound is are agministered. brain CT is performed and it shows no obvious large infarction or ICH The CXR shows no caediomegaly with bilayeral lung incrased infiltration and no pneumonia patch. The blood exam reveals normal sugalr level. Normal renal function and normal liver function. High elevated CK level is noted with normal CKMB. Level. The EKG shows sinus rhythm without ischemic change. Aspirin and dipyridamole are administered and then for fureher managent .he is admitted.


回答 (2)

2013-01-25 6:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
,或ICH,胸部X光無心臟擴大無兩側肺部浸潤也無肺炎‧抽血血糖值正常,腎功能肝功能正常,但是CK值有超過正常值,CKMB正常,心電圖有竇性心律不整,無缺血變化,已給予Aspirin and dipyridamole ,後續追蹤中,已收治病患住院‧

2013-01-24 22:57:26 補充:
2013-01-25 8:47 am
PE = Physical Examination 健康檢查

ICH= Intracranial Hemorrhage 顱內出血

CK (Creatine kinase)是肌肉損傷時所產生的一種酵素,常用於檢查有關肌肉的疾病,如肌肉、腦部和心臟的損傷。當這些部位受傷,血清中的CPK會上升;所以血清CPK檢查,常作為急性心肌梗塞的診斷方法。

Creatine Kinase-MB Isoenzyme (CK-MB)

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 03:35:16
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