何時用上 necessary evil ?

2013-01-24 4:40 am
老師話 直接寫 necessary 比較好

如果用 is a necessary evil 是比較少見
而且易錯,敢問一句, 何時用上它?

回答 (1)

2013-01-24 9:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
唔明點解你的老師會說 a necessary evil 比較少見。

學術界好多政治學者提起必然罪惡(necessary evil)都會加a

Suvi Soininen :From a Necessary Evil to an Art of Contingency: Michael Oakeshott:Conception of Political Activity ﹑

J. Craig Barker :The abuse of diplomatic privileges and immunities:a necessary evil?

John P. Kaminski :A Necessary Evil?: Slavery and the Debate Over the Constitution

而 Glenn Tinder(外國政治學系教授) 在In Defense of Pure Tolerance中,提到忍受(tolerance)是必然之惡,亦有加a:

Though tolerance arose as a necessary evil, not an intrinsically good

Tolerance arose in large part because it seemed to be the
only alternative to endless religious wars; it was a necessary evil.


而在一般學術論文中, necessary evil亦多有a,如收錄在Geographical Journal的"Good, bad or ‘necessary evil’? Reinterpreting the colonial burning experiments in the savanna landscapes of West Africa" :

Late fire is actively discouraged and often illegal; and early fire is
acceptable as a ‘necessary evil’, but only under specific, controlled circumstances.

所以用a necessary evil / as a necessary evil/ is a necessary evil 係好普遍的做法。

2013-01-25 01:36:09 補充:

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